If you don't pick a single quest, you will stay in phase 1 (normal phase).
You just have to learn the worgen racial spells, since you usually get them while questing gilneas.
Most likely, yes.
Gilneas has a (fairly) huge phasing, right after completing the first quest, you are in phase 2, which means you can see creatures from that are also inside phase 2, but not in phase 1.
Sure, if you wanna spawn the exact same npc, just select the npc and type .npc info
Get his ENTRY id, go to the place you wanna have him and .npc add addentryidhere
So if your npc entry is 57384, you wanna use .npc add 57384
Improvements to that will come in V14, I will just need more feedback from you guys, since it's pretty annoying to properly test that with 5 accounts on my local pc - looked good so far tho. :D