Annoying error trying to enter Vault of Archavon (when and not controlling Wintergrasp). Same problem with Horde or Alliance (lvl 80+ tested)
Please note I'm able to enter with GM on.
"The instance is closed" message
I've tried changing the Instance.IgnoreLevel and Instance.IgnoreRaid settings in worldserver.conf to no avail.
Also checking the DB access_requirments there is nothing associated to the zone that I can see.
Other zones with the same settings are working as intended. Export below of 624 MapID)
Any ideas? Google is not my friend currently and nothing found so far in this forum.
Thanks in advance
Annoying error trying to enter Vault of Archavon (when and not controlling Wintergrasp). Same problem with Horde or Alliance (lvl 80+ tested)
Please note I'm able to enter with GM on.
"The instance is closed" message
I've tried changing the Instance.IgnoreLevel and Instance.IgnoreRaid settings in worldserver.conf to no avail.
Also checking the DB access_requirments there is nothing associated to the zone that I can see.
Other zones with the same settings are working as intended. Export below of 624 MapID)
DELETE FROM `access_requirement` WHERE `mapId`=624 AND `difficulty`=1;
INSERT INTO `access_requirement` (`mapId`, `difficulty`, `level_min`, `level_max`, `item_level`, `item`, `item2`, `quest_done_A`, `quest_done_H`, `completed_achievement`, `quest_failed_text`, `comment`) VALUES (624, 1, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'Vault of Archavon (Entrance)');
DELETE FROM `access_requirement` WHERE `mapId`=624 AND `difficulty`=0;
INSERT INTO `access_requirement` (`mapId`, `difficulty`, `level_min`, `level_max`, `item_level`, `item`, `item2`, `quest_done_A`, `quest_done_H`, `completed_achievement`, `quest_failed_text`, `comment`) VALUES (624, 0, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 'Vault of Archavon (Entrance)');
Any ideas? Google is not my friend currently and nothing found so far in this forum.
Thanks in advance