Search results

  1. Damieninabox

    V13 Lost City of the Tol'Vir Fixes

    -- Tol Vir Fixes 05/04/2020 -- Oathsworn Skinner, Pathfinder, Myrmidon, Axemaster, Captain UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49327; UPDATE...
  2. Damieninabox

    V13 - Dungeon Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic

    -- Tol Vir Fixes 05/04/2020 -- Oathsworn Skinner, Pathfinder, Myrmidon, Axemaster, Captain UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49327; UPDATE...
  3. Damieninabox

    V13 - Dungeon Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic

    Could you please open up the creature_template, and filter for "entry = 48953" Export it as Insert or Replace command line and post it in here please.
  4. Damieninabox

    V13 - Evacuate the Merchant Square - Quest ID 14098

    Did you test it with .gm on or .gm visible off? If yes, the script can not find the action invoker, since it can not target a Gamemaster. Works fine on my side.
  5. Damieninabox

    V13 - Dungeon Grim Batol Heroic - Erudax

    INSERT INTO `spell_script_names` (`spell_id`, `ScriptName`) VALUES (91087, 'spell_erudax_shadow_gale'); Run this in your database, fixes Erudax "Shadow Gale" on Heroic.
  6. Damieninabox

    Profession spell problem

    Hello! So regarding the crafting professions, currently you can learn as example "Vicious Embersilk Pants" from the tailoring master, which has an item lvl of 377. I want the spell 75307 (crafting the Vicious Embersilk Pants with ID 75072) to instead create the "Bloodfirsty Embersilk Pants with...
  7. Damieninabox

    [Other] 4.3.4 Hunter Pet Fix (Swoop and Last Stand Talent)

    Hello emucoach! Just a real quick SQL fix for 4.3.4, where "Swoop" wouldn't immobilize the target and where "Last Stand" wouldnt increase the pets current health. Spell 53478 is Last Stand from the Pet Talent Tree, I messed around with it until I just deleted the database insert and all of it...
  8. Damieninabox

    More Hunter Pet Bugs

    [Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug (Overall all pets) [Name, Type] Overall pet mechanics Problem Description] When the target is out of range of a spell, the pet just stays near you and says "Out of range" [How it should work] Even if the target is out of range and you cast a spell on the...
  9. Damieninabox

    Holy Priest Echo Of Light

    [Location, Faction, Race] Holy Priest Bug [Name, Type] Holy Priest Echo of Light [Problem Description] While healing, it stacks up to over billions of healing (like Piercing Shots from hunter does with damage) [How it should work] It should obviously not stack up to heal you for 6 billion per...
  10. Damieninabox

    Marksman Hunter, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera Spell

    [Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Beast Master Bug [Name, Type] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera 82898 Rank 1 82899 Rank 2 [Problem Description] The 2 spell effects dont have a 2 second cooldown. [How it should work] Disengage cooldown should be reduced by 4 seconds when you get hit by a meele...
  11. Damieninabox

    Hunter Beast Master Spell Frenzy

    [Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Beast Master Bug [Name, Type] Talent Frenzy 19621 Rank 1 19622 Rank 2 19623 Rank 3 [Problem Description] Spell is not increasing the pets attack speed. [How it should work] The mechanic itself works (the buff stacking up 5 times) but it doesn't increased the...
  12. Damieninabox

    Hunter Piercing Shots

    [Location, Faction, Race] HORRIBLE Marksman Hunter Bug [Name, Type] Marksman Talent Piercing Shots - 53234 Rank 1 53237 Rank 2 53238 Rank 3 [Problem Description] Dots stacking up to do billions of damage. [How it should work] Can procc off of 3 different spells, Steady Shot, Aimed Shot and...
  13. Damieninabox

    Shaman Glyph of Frost Shock

    [Location, Faction, Race] General Shaman Problem [Name, Type] Gurthalak, Glyph of Frost Shock - 41547 [Problem Description] Glyph doesn't increase the duration of Frost Shock by 2 seconds. [How it should work] Duration of Frost Shock should get increased by 2 seconds.
  14. Damieninabox

    Hunter - Glyph of Freezing Trap

    [Location, Faction, Race] General Hunter Problem [Name, Type] Gurthalak, Glyph of Freezing Trap [Problem Description] When "Freezing Trap" breaks, the target doesn't get slowed by 70% for 4 seconds. [How it should work] When Freezing Trap breaks, it should reduce the targets movement speed by...
  15. Damieninabox

    Compile Error 4.3.4 Paragoncore

    Hello Emucoach! So I just started compiling paragoncore and as soon as I get to make, these errors appear and I have no idea how to fix that: In file included from /home/paragoncore/src/server/shared/Cryptography/ARC4.cpp:19: /home/paragoncore/src/server/shared/Cryptography/ARC4.h:34:24...
  16. Damieninabox

    Looking for the best 4.3.4 Core

    Hello Emucoach family! I am looking for the "best" 4.3.4 Core where classes and raids are well scripted, does anyone have a source of a really good core, including database? Just curious asking :)
  17. Damieninabox

    V11 Shadow Word:Death Bug

    Okay so do not laugh at me but I forgot that i had the T13 Set bonus active which reduces the taken dmg by 95% xD ahaha I am just not sure if its correct, that the actual damage you deal to the target gets reduces on you by your own resil (not sure about that) So as example, with 50% dmg...
  18. Damieninabox

    Legendary transmogs 4.3.4

    Hello emucoach! Is it possible to enable legendary items to be transmogged in the 4.3.4 repack? Would be a super sick option!
  19. Damieninabox

    V11 Bastion of Twilight

    [Location, Faction, Race] Twilight Highlands - The Bastion Of Twilight [Name, Type] The Bastion of Twilight - overall things [Problem Description] Ascendant Council gets stuck at Stag Three Phase, they all run into the middle to usually form the Elementium Monstrosity, but they just stay there...
  20. Damieninabox

    Die on .unstuck

    [Location, Faction, Race] General [Name, Type] .Unstuck command [Problem Description] When a non GM account uses .unstuck, they die [How it should work] You should obviously not die and get teleported to our race start area LOL