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  1. Damieninabox

    Deathknight Teleporter HACKFIX

    Why shouldn't you be able to go upstairs? Basically this hackfix is for 1 scenario during the quest chain, when the teleporter is not able to port you to the upper floor. Quested this whole area for atleast 6 times with the teleporter and never encountered a single problem.
  2. Damieninabox

    Haste Issue | V13.1 Solocraft |

    That still doesn't answer my question. What happens when you relog? -> does it drop, does it stay the same?
  3. Damieninabox

    Haste Issue | V13.1 Solocraft |

    What happens when you relog? Does it still say 800% haste or does it change to normal?
  4. Damieninabox

    Best looking NPC in WoW

    Sylvanas and Illidan. That's also a reason why I got both of them tattooed on my arms.
  5. Damieninabox

    NPC VENDOR help

    Not sure if you can sell currency for gold on default. I will look into that tomorrow and give you an update, got 2-3 possible ways to fix that.
  6. Damieninabox

    FusionCMS/GEN Progress Module

    Poor Blackvision doesn't know FusionCMS members or especially you, don't go too hard on him :P
  7. Damieninabox

    Deathknight Teleporter HACKFIX

    Just a small hackfix for the deathknight teleporter so people can continue leveling their deathknight by simply clicking at the npc when they get stuck during the questchain. Will be deleted as soon as we further looked into it and fixed it the correct way.
  8. Damieninabox

    V13 Lost City of the Tol'Vir Fixes

    Glad it helped you, I am finally back from vacation and I will go and work further on the repack, can't wait to hit you with some of my fixes for the next update!
  9. Damieninabox

    Count to 1000...

  10. Damieninabox

    [Other] 4.3.4 Hunter Pet Fix (Swoop and Last Stand Talent)

    It's already in the repack, but you can feel free to just copy the queries and use them. (if needed or if you got an outdated database)
  11. Damieninabox

    Gobject only works once

    Fixed in V13.1
  12. Damieninabox

    Latent Disease Quest V13

    Update: Correctly fixed for V13.1
  13. Damieninabox

    Guardian of Ancient Kings

    Fixed in the next V13.1 Update. Not only for the guardian, but also for mirror images and shaman elementals.
  14. Damieninabox

    Version 5.4 Core Warmane Source - MOP Outdated

    Ye, was just interested in setting it up so i can check before I cherrypick from their source onto mine, guess I have to copy/paste and hope that my prayer gets recognized.
  15. Damieninabox

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    Did you update the ip address in the auth database - table realmlist? Set it to 188.xx.xx.x4
  16. Damieninabox

    Version 5.4 Core Warmane Source - MOP Outdated

    Did anyone compile this until now? Wanna check it out to maybe merge some stuff over to my MoP Source.
  17. Damieninabox

    V13 Quest/NPC Bug: The Arts of a Hunter

    Works perfectly fine right now.
  18. Damieninabox

    V13 Players buglist

    DELETE FROM disables WHERE sourceType=0 AND entry=91413; INSERT INTO disables (sourceType, entry, flags, params_0, params_1, comment) VALUES (0, 91413, 2, '', '', 'Disable Enslave for Mindbender Heroic'); DELETE FROM disables WHERE sourceType=0 AND entry=76207; INSERT INTO disables...
  19. Damieninabox

    V13 The Vortex Pinnacle | Server Crash | Important

    Could you send us worldserver crashfile?