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  1. Damieninabox

    Midgard 5.4.7 Server Core Release

    Let us surprise you :P
  2. Damieninabox

    Midgard 5.4.7 Server Core Release

    No, it is no longer supported/updated. But we will have a new (and way better) one. Just stay tuned for further infos.
  3. Damieninabox

    Differences between CATA & MOP

    This thread might be old but: Compared to Cata, MoP had a LOT of changes, some of them: Scenarios Challenge Mode Dungeons Flexible Raids Brawlers Guild Isle of Thunder and Timeless Isle Way better landscaping overall (in my opinion) Better storyline including a lot of scenes/movies/cinematics...
  4. Damieninabox

    Work in progress, My Project, Item for Cataclysm from MOP to SL

    Really interesting work, I like how creative people from the custom scene are, even tho I am not into it. The Frostfire Bolt-flying bird thing looks a bit weird to me, but that's just my taste. The warrior shockwave looks really sick tho! Good job overall, keep it up mate!
  5. Damieninabox

    v14 gold version-- quest bug

    It would be appreciated if you could take more effort into reporting bug more detailed -> there is a template for bugreports on the previous page. It saves us developers a lot of time, a report like this one barely tells us what's exactly wrong with the (in this case) quests and we have to...
  6. Damieninabox

    V14 - Thazz'ril's Pick

    So I have actually logged into retail and checked the quest -> I assume the respawntimer is super low for this object and blizzard uses phasing in order to not show the gameobject to the player once he looted it (Quest_status_start -> quest_complete & quest_rewarded) Updated it -> so I would...
  7. Damieninabox

    Midgard 5.4.7 Server Core Release

    Sadly you will not find any decent repack for MoP. But you should stick around at Emucoach for some news, it's worth it. - Trust me
  8. Damieninabox

    Icecrown Citadel Invisible Enemy

    ICC will most likely not have that high of a priority, due the fact that Cataclysm content still needs some love. But it will get worked on, sooner or later. (Most likely later haha) Thanks for reporting, every report helps out.
  9. Damieninabox

    [Selling Core Scripts] [C++]

    Big vouche for my homie Dandi! An awesome custom dev and overall a great dude! He scripts custom requests in no time and can adjust everything to your needs.
  10. Damieninabox

    Low level quests chains breaks (13.1)

    It would be really helpful if you could provide us with quest id's that are interrupted. Unless am in the mood to quest every starting area & beyond. (Which is most likely not going to happen)
  11. Damieninabox

    Dalaran Cooking Daily

    Glad you fixed it on your own, will include this into V14. Next time make sure to give us the QuestID or atleast the name of it.. Fixed in V14 -- Updated You will have to delete the Cache folder in order to make the change appear in your client.
  12. Damieninabox

    Missing Flight Master | V13.1 |

    Correct fix will be included in V14. Thanks for reporting!
  13. Damieninabox

    Missing Flight Master | V13.1 |

    Is he actually missing or just in another phase?
  14. Damieninabox

    Request for fixes in v14

    I will check the requests and add the npc's/gameobjects to the game IF it's blizzlike.
  15. Damieninabox

    Which class/race are you playing?

    Undead/Orc Warlock or Undead/Orc Rogue. For Priests I go female bloodelf or undead all of the time. (Depends on the expansion) I also morph myself to undead when Im playing alliance characters while testing & scripting quest zones with alliance chars :D
  16. Damieninabox

    What country are you from?

    Austria :D
  17. Damieninabox

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    For sure not. No MoP is somehow close to Tauri. (yet)
  18. Damieninabox

    A destiny of Fire and Sorrow | Quest | Client Crash | V13.1

    Can you attach an errorlog?
  19. Damieninabox

    V12 Exit/enter dungeon

    Can't compare bots to real players, the way they get handled inside the core/db is different