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  1. Damieninabox

    V11 Dragon Soul

    [Location, Faction, Race] Raid Dragonsoul [Name, Type] Dragonsoul HAGARA [Problem Description] Hagara spawns the Ice Waves, which is correct, but they do not rotate around the platform. [How it should work] They should wave around, as you can see in the guide : Hagara 10 Man Normal Dragon Soul...
  2. Damieninabox

    V11 Trinket and Weapon Proc effects

    [Location, Faction, Race] General [Name, Type] No'Kaled, the Elements of Death [Problem Description] All 3 possible procs (Iceblast, Flameblast and Shadowblast) overproc all the time, even if you give them a cd in spell_proc_event, they procced up to 40 times in 1 Minute (all 3 of them!) [How it...
  3. Damieninabox

    V11 Shadow Word:Death Bug

    [Location, Faction, Race] Shadow Priest [Name, Type] Shadow Word: Death (32379 Spell ID) [Problem Description] Not doing the correct amount of damage [How it should work] IF the target doesn't die from Shadow Word: Death, it should deal the equal amount of damage done to the target to the priest...
  4. Damieninabox

    V11 Firelands

    Well, when Hagara spawns her Electricity Mobs, I kill one near the crystal to deactivate it. After that nothing happens, I am not exactly sure about how Hagara works, but I think she should spawn more of in order to be able to deactivate the rest of them. Ultraxion doesnt work at all, he attacks...
  5. Damieninabox

    V11 Important Pillar Bug!

    [Location, Faction, Race] General (PVP) [Name, Type] Spells not damaging or working in general when target is behind Line of Sight [Problem Description] As you can see in the video, the rogue doesn't get stunned when you Shadowfury even tho he is in the range of the spell. Same goes for every...
  6. Damieninabox

    V11 More Class bugs

    [Location, Faction, Race] General [Name, Type] Guardian of the Ancient Kings (Spell ID 86150) [Problem Description] Guardian attacks the target what so ever [How it should work] The Guardian should stop attacking targets effected by things like Blind, Repentance, Sheep, Scatter Shot etc. but...
  7. Damieninabox

    V11 Class Bugs

    General: When adding a title to someone, it gets deleted as soon as he equips it (only non GM accounts) Warlock: Pets seem to NOT scale with resilience since they nearly die instantly. Paladin: Even tho I do not even have Glyph of Exorcism, it always puts the Dot from the glyph on the target.
  8. Damieninabox

    V11 Firelands

    [Location, Faction, Race] Firelands [Name, Type] Lord Ryolith, Shannox, Baleroc, Beth'Tilac, Alysrazor, Ragnaros [Problem Description] Lord Ryolith randomly runs around, as soon as you have dealt enough dmg to left or right foot he just sits down and you can kill him...