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  1. Damieninabox

    [NPC] V13.1 - Hearthglen Fix

    Because people like to mess around with things. There are several reasons why people could have different GUID's....
  2. Damieninabox

    [NPC] V13.1 - Hearthglen Fix

    What if the GUID of all these npcs is (for any reason) like +1 in difference compared to the query and you then run the query. What will happen? Exactly, you will add these npcs a second time.
  3. Damieninabox

    [NPC] V13.1 - Hearthglen Fix

    Nice fix For everyone trying to implement it: Make sure your GUID's match. If not, you can end up having a horrible time refixing it - just make sure.
  4. Damieninabox

    Legendary rogue quest missing part

    Will come in V14 ;)
  5. Damieninabox

    Count To 2.000

  6. Damieninabox

    Changelog (V13.1) - VIP Cataclysm (Old release)

    Always glad to be a part of it and contribute my fixes to it. Looking forward to deliver some great things in V14 to all of you ;)
  7. Damieninabox

    Nordrassil legion 7.3.5 wow uwow sharing our source and databases

    Looks like it's missing the world database tho
  8. Damieninabox

    Bacon or Sausage?

    Finally someone taking care about the important things sausage tho
  9. Damieninabox

    Date and Time of Events (v13 VIP)

    You can adjust game event times inside the world database.
  10. Damieninabox

    Reloading Waypoints causes a worldserver crash(5.4.8)

    If you need any help scripting SAI movement or any kind of database stuff (since you can't modify your source) make sure to contact me, anytime.
  11. Damieninabox

    Reloading Waypoints causes a worldserver crash(5.4.8)

    Well it's fairly easy, whenever I do movement scripts, I walk/fly the route that I want the npc to follow and from time to time I use .gps to get the coordinates and insert the waypoints inside the waypoints table inside the database. Core movement would use another table for that, but since you...
  12. Damieninabox

    Reloading Waypoints causes a worldserver crash(5.4.8)

    Since this Repack is not getting any updates, I would advise you to just insert the waypoints manually inside the database and restart the worldserver. That's how I always do it when scripting Waypoint movement (SAI wise - not core wise).
  13. Damieninabox

    [4.3.4] Path of Classic| Cataclysm but Classic! | New Spells | Unique Concept |

    Best of luck my friend, looking forward to this!
  14. Damieninabox

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Simple solution: Kick out the MAC and get a real Pc -> move to fixed pls
  15. Damieninabox

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    We are already aware of the loot issue and we are also working on all ends to keep fixing reported issues, make sure to join the discord for better communication with our staff team :)
  16. Damieninabox

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Come and check it out, our dev team is updating the source on a daily basis :)
  17. Damieninabox

    Ultraxion's Chest | V13 solocraft |

    This query is not handling anything related to the chest spawn, so this query will not fix it. Could be linked inside the source or directly onto the gameobject, to either spawn the chest when ultraxion dies OR change the phase of the gobject.
  18. Damieninabox


    You can just export it without guid numbers, the database will insert them on it's own + other people can avoid struggles with that. Just as a hint
  19. Damieninabox

    Haste Issue | V13.1 Solocraft |

    Does the 800% haste ACTUALLY change smth in the game? Or is it just visual?