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V13 - Dungeon Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic


Gold Supporter
Dungeon: Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic
Boss: High Prophet Barim

what should happen: Stage Two: Kneel and Repent - After High Prophet Barim casts Repentance, he becomes immune to damage and players find themselves in a realm of darkness. Players must defeat the Harbinger of Darkness to end stage two, return to their normal bodies, and continue the fight against Barim.

what happen: After High Prophet Barim casts Repentance, he becomes immune to damage and we are taken into the realm of darkness, but the Harbinger of Darkness does not appear and High Prophet Barim exits combat and returns to his original place and resumes all his life.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Could you please open up the creature_template, and filter for "entry = 48953"

Export it as Insert or Replace command line and post it in here please.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
-- Tol Vir Fixes 05/04/2020

-- Oathsworn Skinner, Pathfinder, Myrmidon, Axemaster, Captain
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49327;
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49323;
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49321;
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 530, maxdmg = 713, attackpower = 827, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 5 WHERE entry = 49319;
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 85, maxlevel = 85, faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16, mindmg = 1007, maxdmg = 1354.7, attackpower = 1571, dmg_multiplier = 7.5, Health_mod = 15 WHERE entry = 49334;

-- Fix Habringer of darkness
UPDATE creature_template SET faction_a = 16, faction_h = 16 WHERE entry = 48953;