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  1. ExO

    V17.1 RDF/Dungeon bug

    RFC has been fixed on next version. Please post in here the specific dungeons that do the same :)
  2. ExO

    Version 17.1 - Tol Barad

    Try on V17.1 (besides from the playerbots)
  3. ExO

    [HUNTER] Glyph of Kill Shot - Version 17.1

    Fixed on next Version
  4. ExO

    Unable to see other player's spec - Version 17.1

    So far I haven't been able to reproduce/can't confirm. Unless I can confirm it happens, it can't really be fixed.
  5. ExO

    [GENERAL] - Battleground Conquest Wins - Cataclysm V17.1

    So far I haven't been able to reproduce/can't confirm. Unless I can confirm it happens, it can't really be fixed.
  6. ExO

    Can't post on a thread in order to download

    Sent a PM :)
  7. ExO

    MOP - WorldServer launch errors

    Hi, These are primarily warnings that can be ignored. I suppose Worldserver is still active, isn't it?
  8. ExO

    Version 17.1 - Tol Barad

    We will look into the gates being closed issue. But as of now, there are no plans to make Playerbots support Tol'barad. Other issues should be fixed first :)
  9. ExO

    Glad we solved it! :)

    Glad we solved it! :)
  10. ExO

    License Key

    Hey, You can submit a license request at the form here: :)
  11. ExO

    warlock soulstone crash

    It's fixed on V4.1 :)
  12. ExO

    Too many NPCs

    Hi, It is correct that there are occasions where NPCS may be spawned quite close to each other - perhaps a bit too many spawned. We have actually gone through a lot of the zones and deleted the duplicate NPCs on the VIP version 4. So there should be drastic improvements regarding NPC spawn...
  13. ExO

    The Eye Kael'Thas Sunstrider Scripting Delayed

    Fixed on V18
  14. ExO

    V17.1: Utgarde Keep Enslaved Proto-Drakes not attackable

    Fixed on V18
  15. ExO

    V17 Quest "24814" The Basics: An Ancient Enemy

    Fixed on V18
  16. ExO

    Warlock pet Felguard weapon wrong display

    Fixed on V18
  17. ExO

    Hunter losing pet after dying

    @pkman - Do you use the Hunter NPC to get your pet? Did you try to tame it the original way? (Could not reproduce this, if so)
  18. ExO

    Lost City of Tol'vir has double bosses and mobs both modes

    Fixed on next version
  19. ExO

    Grim Batol normal and heroic has double bosses and mobs

    Fixed on next version
  20. ExO

    Can't leave dungeon after dying

    Fixed on next version