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Too many NPCs


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Greetings Emucoach Community,

I wanted to share my recent experience with the free version of EmuCoach MoP - V1 Mists of Pandaria (It is also present in the V4 VIP Pandaria repack). I downloaded it from https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...v-1-emucoach-christmas-new-year-edition.8372/ and logged in to explore.

During my gameplay, I noticed that mobs seemed to spawn in clusters of four instead of appearing as single entities. This was evident in various zones, and I have attached some screenshots from Elwynn Forest and Duskwood for illustration purposes.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or is it just some server settings I have missed somewhere or a database issue? I would appreciate any insight or feedback on this matter.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


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The Breaker of Code
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Verified Member
United Kingdom
Greetings Emucoach Community,

I wanted to share my recent experience with the free version of EmuCoach MoP - V1 Mists of Pandaria. I downloaded it from https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...v-1-emucoach-christmas-new-year-edition.8372/ and logged in to explore.

During my gameplay, I noticed that mobs seemed to spawn in clusters of four instead of appearing as single entities. This was evident in various zones, and I have attached some screenshots from Elwynn Forest and Duskwood for illustration purposes.

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or is it just some server settings I have missed somewhere or a database issue? I would appreciate any insight or feedback on this matter.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Hey, I have looked into this and I can confirm that there are multiple spawns where it's overcrowded with NPCs, however, it only seems to be in that specific zone. Didn't come across anything like this anywhere else (other than Kun-Lai Summit in Pandaria - Nightmare)

If you're looking to implement fixes for your own gameplay, just look into the following database & table:


You will see all the creatures in the world and their spawn locations, to find a specific creature type and its zone spawn, you can run this query:

SELECT * FROM `creature` WHERE id = 1922 AND zoneId = 12;

This will display all Gray Forest Wolfs in Elwynn Forest and their locations in those zone, you may delete all the undesired ones from there.

I hope it helps in any way & enjoy the game ;)



It is correct that there are occasions where NPCS may be spawned quite close to each other - perhaps a bit too many spawned.

We have actually gone through a lot of the zones and deleted the duplicate NPCs on the VIP version 4. So there should be drastic improvements regarding NPC spawn amounts on the V4 versus V1.
It is however a huge task, and that's why it's still not complete :)

Great to get attention on this though!


The Breaker of Code
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Verified Member
United Kingdom
As a further addition to this post, I have also noticed that rare / unique monsters tend to be spawned next to each other or in a close proximity to each other in a pair. So far, every unique monster in Night Elf quest chain has been spawned in twice.