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  1. ExO

    Server Help

    Hi, What kind of help? :)
  2. ExO

    V18 Mage Blink Bug

    Yes it's fixed already in next version :)
  3. ExO

    invalid key

    For other people with same issue - request a new license here! :) Cata: MOP:
  4. ExO

    Unable to upgrade VIP?

    Answered your other topic
  5. ExO

    Unable to upgrade VIP?

    Please send me PM of your Paypal email :)
  6. ExO

    Unable to upgrade VIP?

    Send PM on discord with details .utilize
  7. ExO

    Can´t Activate Cata VIP 18

    Hey, Request a new license on the license page :)
  8. ExO

    Massive amount of errors on Worldserver launch

    Errors can be ignored, or disabled in worldserver.conf :)
  9. ExO

    I brought Cata server and crashes on startup

    Hey - did you manage to get ahold of it?
  10. ExO

    Answered :)

    Answered :)
  11. ExO

    Changelog MoP VIP 5 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Mists of Pandaria VIP Release | Emucoach

    This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 5.0 repack that just got released. You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here. Changelog (Note, this is from version 5.0 - the latest MoP VIP version) Get access to the release by becoming Premium...
  12. ExO

    v18 Portal to the Darkmoon Faire

    It happens when event is not active (the Darkmoon Faire starts the first friday of each month). If you want to do it un-blizzlike, you can activate the .event by .event start 120 In terms of the spawns appearing, that needs to get fixed so the spawns won't appear unless the event (Darkmoon...
  13. ExO

    Changelog Cataclysm VIP 18 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Cataclysm VIP Release | Emucoach

    What kind of stability are you thinking? For the playerbots?
  14. ExO

    Changelog Cataclysm VIP 18 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Cataclysm VIP Release | Emucoach

    Just released! :) V18 release (Blizzlike): V18 release (Gold):
  15. ExO

    Changelog Cataclysm VIP 18 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Cataclysm VIP Release | Emucoach

    This includes the changelog for VIP 18.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold. You can obtain access for 18.95€ by clicking here. Changelog (v18 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version) Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here: Cata VIP...
  16. ExO

    Darkmoon faire island when is it coming?

  17. ExO

    As you should! Chilling is important :D

    As you should! Chilling is important :D
  18. ExO

    V17.1 Max Health not resetting

    It's probably due to the Solocraft indeed. One option is to disable solocraft: Solocraft.Enable =0 And use the Playerbots or Npcbots. Second option is to relog as you mention :)