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Darkmoon faire island when is it coming?


Heir to the Emucoach
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Veteran Member
As heavy as this core is scripted it still lacks the darkmoon faire, not one single game works here, would be awesome if we could start paying attention to it again since it is a major feature that was added in patch 4.3


I collect profile flairs.
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bugged still maybe. Teleport to faire send you back to home teleport instantly. Can't get in
Darkmoon Faire is a cyclical event that only runs for ~ 1week per month. Kicking you back to your hearthstone location when the event is not active actually is working as intended. The exact timing of each week the event starts is a bit off because the event was not originally programmed to continue past 2017, so the in-game calendar no longer shows the dates it is active. That being said; it does run on a consistent cycle but if you don't want to keep checking every day whether or not it is active you can just type ".event start 111" into either the worldserver.exe console window, or the in-game chat box (as an admin character) to force it active.