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Changelog Cataclysm VIP 18 Version Repack - CHANGELOG LIST | Cataclysm VIP Release | Emucoach



This includes the changelog for VIP 18.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95€ by clicking here.

Changelog (v18 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version)

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Cata VIP Repack Version 18.0 - Changelog list:


- Darkmoon Fair: In general, throughout the entire Emucoach Cataclysm repack history, Darkmoon Fair was sadly not working. Below post can confirm this:​

I am however happy to anounce that in V18, there was a lot of focus in getting this implemented and modernized. As a result, we have fully re-implemented Darkmoon Fair and fixed all of the Mini games. Now you can explore the quests, the events and everything going on there, without the buggyness. Enjoy!​

- Bastion Of Twilight:

* Sinestra's Wrack spell now has proper visuals, targeting, and mechanic.​

* Twilight Whelps will no longer auto resurrect from their own Twilight Essence pools.​

* Sinestra now has proper health amount at the start of the encounter and upon resetting.​

* Fix the worshipping.​

* Chogall's Fire and Shadow elementals will now properly apply their buffs to chogall when absorbed by him.​

* Fire and Shadow elementals can now be harmed in heroic mode, and the amount of stacks of the buff they give is now based on the health % left that they have when they are absorbed.​

* Flaming Destruction and Empowered Shadows will now deal proper damage based on the number of stacks of the buff in heroic mode.​

* Fire and shadow elementals will now properly spawn and no longer fail at it when they are summoned above the trapdoor in chogalls room.​

- Throne Of The Four Winds:
* Fixed heroic mode for the Throne of The Four Winds instance.
* Made sure creatures and gameobjects are spawned for all phases. Solves a lot of misc issues around the world.​

* Creatures should now have proper health, faction and damage for heroic difficulties.​

- Lost City of Tol'vir:​

* Spawns: Fixes Lost city of the tol'vir duplicated spawns.​

- Grim Batol:​

* Creatures: Re-implemented all Grim Batol spawns. No more double mobs, bosses, etc.​

Fixed: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...-and-heroic-has-double-bosses-and-mobs.10284/

* Allow Enslaved Proto-drakes to be attacked.​

- The Eye:
* Kaelthas is now disabled to creature threat assist and will engage the raid faster when all his advisors are killed in phase 3.​

* Fixes ie: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/the-eye-kaelthas-sunstrider-scripting-delayed.8663/

- Hellfire Ramparts:
* Update script for boss vazruden the herald, fixing some encounter mechanics and loot issues​

* Fixes ie: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/hellfire-ramparts-loot.8497/

- Culling of Stratholme:​

* Dispelling ilusions quest can now be turned in.​

* Second wave of Infinite Dragonflight adds will no longer be impossible to attack.​

* Allow the looting of Mal'ganis's chest at the end of the dungeon.​

* Fixes ie: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr...ly-and-you-cannot-complete-two-2-quests.7916/

- Magtheridon's Lair:
* Update the script for magtheridon lair, still missing some visuals, but now the encounter is doable.
Fixed ie: https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/magtheridons-lair.8275/

- Utgarde Pinnacle: Rework utgarde pinnacle​

Solved the following bugs:​

* Svala Sorrowgrave in Utgarde Pinnacle is unkillable as she is half phased into the altar and non hostile.​

* She also has a buff, which gets down to 2 seconds then resets to 6 seconds which is "Utgarde Pinnacle Gauntlet Effect"​

* Skadi the Ruthless is impossible to kill due to the spearmen not dropping their spears upon death.​

This leaves you unable to shoot down Skadi from his drake and unable to continue with the dungeon.​

* Lots of script and misc improvements. We spent around 15-20 hours reworking this instance, so it's fully up to speed now!​

Icecrown Citadel:
* Allow valanaar to be looted when the blood prince council is defeated.
* Fixes https://www.emucoach.com/forums/threads/icecrown-citadel-blood-prince-council-unlootable.8667/

* Ahn Kahet:
- Jedoga Shadowseeker can now be engaged and defeated.​

- Echo Isles:
* Zar'jira from quest An Ancient Enemy can now be killed after phase 4 (after all events are done)​

- LFG:
* Players who leave the dungeon will now be teleported back to their previous map (and be revived if they are dead)​

* LFG: Ragefire Chasm and Deadmines should now properly reward players upon finishing the LFG dungeon.​

- Urgent Misc issue solved: Fix a very problematic issue with Magmaws vehicle script.​

The problematic part was that it unfortunately caused a bad vehicle position relocation for all vehicles in the server. This is however solved now in V18, meaning Vehicles should be improved and work better in general. To clear it out - it affected other vehicels than Magmaws too.​

- Entities: Check if both players have their supposed original factions before allowing for UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_SANCTUARY to be sent for Crossfaction raiding alongside Object's own faction, should fix all issues regarding mechanics that changed a players faction like mind control abilities such as chogall's Worshipping.​

- Fix Anticheat DCs on Strand of the Ancients vehicles.​

- Command: .debug combat will now spit out info about the creatures currently in combat with you.​

- Commands: .debug combat now can be used to get combat info from other units.​

- Commands: Implements .reload smart_script command to allow hotfixing of SAI without having to restart the server.​


.reload smart_script [entry]​

.reload smart_script [-GUID]​

Example. .reload smart_script -173617 will reload smart events made only for creature GUID 173617​

.reload smart_script 24566 will reload smart events for all creatures of entry 24566​

- Loot:​

* Fixes an issue where group loot would generate more quest itens than it was intended to, causing a bug that made creature corpses showing as lootable, despite not having any more loot.​

* Loot: Fixed an issue quest item must show up to everyone eligible to loot it regardless of loot mode.​

- Battlefields:
* Fixes tol barad double spawning issue and initial teleport position to attacker team.​

* Darkmoon Fair:
- In general, throughout the entire Emucoach Cataclysm history, sadly Darkmoon Fair was not working. Below post can confirm this:​

I am however happy to anounce that in V18, there was a lot of focus in getting this implemented and modernized. As a result, we have fully re-implemented Darkmoon Fair and fixed all of the Mini games. Now you can explore the quests, the events and everything going on there, without the buggyness. Enjoy!​

- Spells: Prevent spamming cast of spells with SPELL_ATTR0_DISABLED_WHILE_ACTIVE to prevend bugging out the cooldown display after the cooldown event happens. Also force send the cooldown event again after feign death aura removal. Fix an issue with Feign Death when binded to a spammy key such as the mouse wheel.​

- Spells: Fix proc data for normal version of Vial of Shadows.​

- Spells: Improves blink targeting for players.​

- Spells: Gurubashi Spirit's Body Slam will now properly remove Brittle Barrier from Hakkar's Chains.​

- Spells: Glyph of Kill Shot will now be activated even if the target fully absorbs the first kill shot. Also fixes a possible crash on priest's shadow word death script.​

- Spells: Hunter pets should no longer cancel fear/distracted movement generators upon entering combat by auras that apply these effects​

- Spells: Mind Control should not allow the target to freely move if it has a root or stun unit state​

- Spells: Death Rune-Converting spells should keep the death rune conversion even if they consume death runes in order to be casted.​

- Spells: Hunter traps should now prioritize the target distance from the trap when choosing between multiple targets for activation (closest > farthest).​

- Spells: Fixes Sin and Punishment cooldown reduction for Shadowfiend.​

- Spells: Improvements to Echo of Light calcs, avoid some possible divisions by 0.​

- Spells: Using smoke bomb twice trough preparation glyph should no longer invalidate the second smoke bomb effect, nor cause the first smoke bomb duration to be refreshed to the duration of the second smoke bomb.​

- Spells: Prevent nature's grasp proc from consuming predatory switftness proc.​

- Spells: Fix Preparation glyph issues​

- Spells: Prevent nature's grasp proc from consuming predatory swiftness proc​

- Spells: Fixed Druid mastery eclipse spell.​

- Spells: Fixed an issue with spell effects being removed from spelleffect mask due to effect target LoS calculation mistake, its pointless to check for LoS twice with instant-cast spells that are not ground targeted and are not AoE, this check is already done in cast event.​

- Add some debug code and fix a crash involving SelectImplicitConeTargets​

- Spells: Crash - fix a zero division crash in rogue T12 2P Bonus Proc.​

- Core Mechanics: Fix an issue related to totems that caused some critical problems.​

- Misc: Fixes Threat generation logic on tauntApply.​

- Misc: Add proper weapon to Felguard (Warlock)​

- Remove tonk target count aura from player if the player's tank gets destroyed.​

- Misc: Fix a typo on SelectImplicitCasterDestTargets m_target relocation that essentially nullified any custom change to the destination (even from scripts).​



Gold Supporter
Senior User
Thanks !!!!! great news!! i hope V18 release (Gold)...... Gracias por todo. 🎉🎉🎉


Alpha-wow.com X Foxiservers.com
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Thank you exo, in terms of stability he has improved?


Verified Member
The changelog was very nice to read! So many great fixes i think we all have been waiting for :)

Big Thanks to all, who are involved in this great repack!
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Reactions: ExO


Heir to the Emucoach
Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Finally, my prayers have been answered. Thank me later guys.
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Reactions: ExO


Trial Member
Is there support for displaying dialogues, item names, and creature names in Chinese?


Trial Member
This is a very good forum. I come from China and I have some questions.
Is there a limit on the number of players in V18? What is the maximum number of players that can log in at the same time?
Does the database support Chinese?