Search results

  1. ExO

    Taunt BUG :: Aggro & Threat

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  2. ExO

    Some issues and bugs V15 solo /vip gold

    Fixed many of them on V16 (VIP) :)
  3. ExO

    Glyph of Shadow

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  4. ExO

    Well of eternity: Azshara fight

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  5. ExO

    Buying item stacks costs you x times the actual cost

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  6. ExO

    V14 Lady Illucia Barov

    Fixed on V16 :)
  7. ExO

    Shadowfang Keep missing doorhandles

    Should be fixed on V16 :)
  8. ExO

    V15 Random Dungeon Finder queue's wrong dungeons

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  9. ExO

    V13 - End Time - Echo of bane

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  10. ExO

    Echo of Bain | Boss | End time

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  11. ExO

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Baine" NPC=54431

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  12. ExO

    V15 Boss Bug "Echo of Sylvanas" NPC=54123

    (Updated for V16) :)
  13. ExO

    V15 : Deadmines - Admiral Ripsnarl fight

    Fixed on V16 (VIP) :)
  14. ExO

    PM'ed answered :) But no, you don't have to rebuy it

    PM'ed answered :) But no, you don't have to rebuy it
  15. ExO


  16. ExO

    The password for the VIP_DB file is incorrect.

    I advise you to try and write the password manually instead of copy-paste. Did you try that?
  17. ExO

    The password for the VIP_DB file is incorrect.

    There must be something wrong on your end. There are many users who used this password (successfully). I would advise you to try to use another zip extractor program, or write the password manually in case your copy clipboard bugs up.
  18. ExO

    icense key

    Answered your PM :)