Cata V17 (Blizzlike) is now out! The VIP Gold version will be releasing over the next couple of week-days. I will also be working on the SQL to move/transfer accounts and characters tomorrow. (More info to come). Enjoy!
This includes the changelog for VIP 17.0 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold.
You can obtain access for 18.95€ by clicking here.
Changelog (Note, this is from version 17.0 - the latest Cataclsm VIP version)
Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here...
Yeap, Step 12 and 13 are necessary to save the chars and accounts.
@reptargx97 - You paste the SQL into the editor and play on the "Play" icon at the top left
The one that is greyed out
Hello Emucoach community!
Happy New Year! As we start a new year filled with exciting possibilities, the Emucoach team wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past Emucoach year, and thank each and every one of you for being a part of the community.
Some of you are new joiners, while others...
This includes the changelog for the Mists of Pandaria VIP 4.0 repack that coming shortly. See the countdown by clicking
You can prepare for the release, and obtain access for 22 USD by clicking here.
Changelog (Note, this is from version 4.0 - the latest MoP VIP version)
Get access to...