Search results

  1. ExO

    Dungeons / Raids Damage bugged

    Note: Only seems to happen on the Gold repack. If you experience this, please disable Solocraft. Solocraft.Enable = 0
  2. ExO

    Warlock pet Felguard weapon wrong display

    Thanks. Gotta ask to make sure we focus on the facts :)
  3. ExO

    Emucoach Announcement | MoP Premium 4 Release Date | Cataclysm VIP 17 Release Date | Happy New Years!

    Very happy to hear that! Such comments really makes me happy to read :) Thanks for the feedback, and happy gaming!
  4. ExO

    impossible de lancer serveur;unable to start server

    English please :)
  5. ExO

    worgen starting zone no endgame?

    Noted, thank you :)
  6. ExO

    V17 Quest "24814" The Basics: An Ancient Enemy

  7. ExO

    V17.1 Warlock's Imp spamming Blood Pact

    Are you refering to the playerbots doing this, @pkman?
  8. ExO

    Darkmoon faire island when is it coming?

  9. ExO

    worgen starting zone no endgame?

    Hey, Please specify the name of the specific quest that doesn't work :)
  10. ExO

    V17.1: Utgarde Keep Enslaved Proto-Drakes not attackable

    Noted, will get looked at.
  11. ExO

    Hunter losing pet after dying

    Noted, will get looked at.
  12. ExO

    Can't leave dungeon after dying

    Noted, will get looked at.
  13. ExO

    Lost City of Tol'vir has double bosses and mobs both modes

    Noted, will be looked at.
  14. ExO

    Grim Batol normal and heroic has double bosses and mobs

    Noted, will be looked at.
  15. ExO

    Warlock pet Fel hunter spamming Fel Intelligence

    Noted, will be looked at soon.
  16. ExO

    Warlock pet Felguard weapon wrong display

    Please provide proof of this (ie. some official note stating it, a video, any wowhead resource etc. Then we'll fix it shortly :)
  17. ExO

    Another bot suggestion (in anticipation of MoP v4)

    It has been addressed in version 4.1 :) And should be improved.
  18. ExO

    VIP Purchase Help

    Hey, I have replied to your PM :)
  19. ExO

    Too many bad issues with V17

    Hi there! The vehicle issue will be fixed shortly. It was caused by a bad fix. We will provide a hotfix to solve it. Cheers! :) Let us know if there are any other fatal issue. And if so, please be much more detailed.
  20. ExO

    V17: Playerbot spam buffs

    Thanks. We will look into it soon :)