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The Eye Kael'Thas Sunstrider Scripting Delayed


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] The Eye/Tempest Keep, Alliance, Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] Kael'Thas Sunstrider, Boss Scripting
  • [Problem Description] Kael'Thas Sunstrider's scripting has a long delay after the second round of fighting the advisors. He will take several minutes before attacking the player, to the point that I had waited for a while, then typed up this report saying his scripting was broken before he attacked me immediately after I made the post. As a much less significant issue, he also seems to start following the player part way through the first round of fighting his advisors.
  • [How it should work] Kael'Thas should progress to the next phase where he attacks the player directly shortly after the second round of advisors is finished. The fight completes once he is killed. He should also never move until this point.
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