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  1. S

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Just wondered if the project has been pulled from Discord? It's disappeared following the restructure from those available to me, and I can't even contact the repack owner as he's not accepting message!
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Thanks for the updates. I'm applying these each week or so, then checking if my characters can progress where they were stuck. I was wondering when the issues around skinning would be resolved? I have a low level Human near Goldshire staring at numerous boars (in red), alive, all showing the...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Have downloaded the free version and the client. No drama, all fired up and got connected. The Launcher app is very nice to have rather than windows everywhere. I started an undead rogue, Darnell managed to get himself killed early so didn't play much of a part in Deathnell, also noticed the...
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    This sounds great, will be jumping in very shortly. :)
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    Waterlogged Recipe

    Is still working in Legion, so not obsolete
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    BUG Quest: To The Hilt! (Desolace)

    [Name, Type] To The Hilt!, quest •[What it does] Collected the 20 Satyr Sabers, but could not complete the quest •[What it should do] Should be able to hand in the 20 Satyr Sabers at the statue
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    BUG Quest: Ol' Blasty (Southern Stranglethorn)

    [Name, Type] Ol' Blasty, quest •[What it does] Can destroy the target once and get credit for two, but then the target is destroyed and does not come back unless you restart the server •[What it should do] Presumably the target should re-appear fairly fast
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    BUG Quest: As Hyjal Burns (Mount Hyjal)

    [Name, Type] As Hyjal Burns, quest •[What it does] Mounted Aronus who flies to Hyjal then disappears, character falls to ground and dies on The Scorched Plain •[What it should do] Should fly to Nordrassil and land properly
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    BUG Quest; The Abyssal Ride (Kelp'thar Forest)

    •[Name, Type] The Abyssal Ride, quest •[What it does] Mount Seahorse OK, nothing to actually do during the ride as Seahorse just swims, no credit for completing objective when Seahorse completes journey •[What it should do] Seahorse should try to throw you off and you use keys to stay on. Quest...
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    BUG Quest: Better Late Than Dead (Kelp'thar Forest)

    •[Name, Type] Better Late Than Dead, quest •[What it does] Mounted the turtle, but had to manually move, but went near shark and nothing happened, so no credit for Sea Turtle Mounted •[What it should do] Should mount the Turtle, which then gets attacked by shark! and you get thrown off?
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    BUG Quest: Swabbing Duty (Southern Stranglethorn)

    [Name, Type] Swabbing Duty, quest •[What it does] Click on a mop and character says 'I don't have a target' and the mop disappears •[What it should do] Need to keep the deck clean for 2 mins
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    BUG Quest: We're Here to do One Thing, Maybe Two.. (Ashenvale - Stonetaon, horde)

    [Name, Type] We're Here to do One Thing, Maybe Two.. , quest •[What it does] During the ride your character cannot attack, however various bears, night elves attack and you are lucky if you character is still alive at the end of the journey •[What it should do] Character should not receive...
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    BUG Item: Veteran's Hearthstone

    [Name, Type] Veteran's Hearthstone, Item •[What it does] Nothing, and disappears •[What it should do] Should teleport player to Valley of Wisdom (for Horde)
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    BUG Quest: Norgannon's Shell (Storm Peaks)

    [Name, Type] Norgannon's Shell, quest •[What it does] Can summon Archivist Mechatron, but cannot engage in combat •[What it should do] Seem to remember Archivist Mechatron says a few things and then engages in combat
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    BUG Quest: Sniffing Out the Perpetrator (Storm Peaks)

    [Name, Type] Sniffing Out the Perpetrator, quest •[What it does] Can mount Frostbite, but have to manually navigate to cave, but don't get the credit for 'Track scent to its source' •[What it should do] Frostbite should automatically run to cave and give credit for tracking the scent
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    BUG Quest: Cave Medicine (Storm Peaks)

    [Name, Type] Cave Medicine, quest •[What it does] Unable to obtain the Toxin Gland as all of the Jurmungar in the cave are dead, but still move around •[What it should do] Should be able to kill Jurmungar in the cave until a gland drops
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    BUG Quest: A Hero's Burden (Sholazar Basin)

    [Name, Type] A Hero's Burden, quest •[What it does] Killed Artruis the Heartless, but could not interact with the Phylactery to complete the quest •[What it should do] Should be able to click on the Phylactery to complete the quest
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    BUG Quest: The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure (Sholazar Basin)

    [Name, Type] The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure, quest •[What it does] Can obtain the treasure, but no spawn of Warlord Tartek (to kill) •[What it should do] Warlord Tartek should be guarding the treasure?
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    BUG Quest: Gods Like Shiny Things (Sholazar Basin)

    [Name, Type] Gods Like Shiny Things, quest •[What it does] Not much, no shiny things about •[What it should do] Should see sparkles which Lafoo should uncover
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    BUG Quest: Fortunate Misunderstandings (Sholazar Basin)

    [Name, Type] Fortunate Misunderstandings, quest •[What it does] It The Injured Rainspeaker Oracle seems to travel as a near corpse, looks a bit strange •[What it should do] I seem to remember it gets up and walks