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[Release] BfaCore Repack


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This sounds great, will be jumping in very shortly. :)


Gold Supporter
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MoP Premium
Senior User
Have downloaded the free version and the client. No drama, all fired up and got connected. The Launcher app is very nice to have rather than windows everywhere.
I started an undead rogue, Darnell managed to get himself killed early so didn't play much of a part in Deathnell, also noticed the corpse loot issue which I believe is known and stops players skinning. Perhaps this is resolved (or soon to be) in the donation version? Looks really promising and looks like it has good backing.


Veteran Member
Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_06:

* Update database to BFADB_837_2020_09_06.
* Added quest_starter, quest_ender, npc_vendor and creature_model_data for BfA zones.
* Fixed mardum phase.
* Added SoloCraft custom script module. This adjust player stats for dungeon/raids based on party size. Disable by default in worldserver.conf.
* Updated Hotfixes to
* Fixes for motherlode dungeon.
* Fix spell pet warlock and scriptmgr.
* Fix areatrigger error, add missing data to creature.
* Rogue: Fixed mutilate and Backstab.
* Started to rewrite dalaran legion.
* Added scripts for class hall.
* Fixed some creature scaling level 200+
* Some fixes on Uldir instance.
* The MOTHERLODE!! Creature Loot.
* Siege Of Boralus Creature Loot.
* Fixed some DB errors.
* Warrior Fixed Spell 5246 Intimidating Shout.
* Shaman Fixed Spell 5394 Healing Stream Totem.
* Hunter: Fixed Spell 34026 Kill Command.
* Fixed spell validation errors.
* Fixed hero callboard Stormwind.
* Spawn toldagor in normal, heroic and mythic difficulties. + fix all phases.
* Added more data to Nazjatar.
* Added more gameobjects and creatures to Nazjatar.

+ lots of other fixes.

Differences in donator core and free core:
Free core:
-Limited to 5 players.
-Advertisement on login.
-No updates.

Donator core:
-No limitations.
-No advertisements.
-Support from the team.
-Frequent updates.

Join our discord channel for downloads and updates, and donate to get even more!

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team


Veteran Member
Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_12:

* Added these locale dbc files as default to repack: deDE, enUS, frFR, koKR, zhCN, zhTW.
* Updated database to BFADB_2020_09_12.
* Updated worldserver.conf.dist.
* Added Enum PowerColorOverride.
* Fixed fishing loot in Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest, Ironfoge City and Dun Morogh zones.
* Fixed some dberrors.
* Fixed all hotfix db errors.
* Added Ny'alotha graveyard and ".tele Nyalotha".
* Fixed toldagor first boss scale etc.
* Fixed some spawn guids.
* Quest Evacuate the Merchant Square.
* Added some Mechagon spawns & areatriggers.
* Fixed Quest Break Gong (Pandaren starting zone).
* Fixed event Corrupted Gold spawning.
* Added SiegeOfBoralus instance scripts (needs db work).
* Fixed 10000+ factions (boralus etc.).
* Fixed quest - The Sun Pearl (Pandaren starting zone).
* Now when the boss razan dies conversation of yazma with the history of ataldazar starts.
* Added Blizzlike Introductory Conversation of Boss Yazma in Dungeon ataldazar.
* Fixed dead frostmane troll so they are properly dead.
* Fixed incorrect spawn for Glenn Greymane in Stormwind Keep. No longer hostile to Alliance players.
* Added missing spawn Marshal Gryan Stoutmantle in Westfall.
* Fixed Quest "Evacuate the Merchant Square".
* Fixed NPC 7Legon Magus.
* Fixed Portal Room Stormwind.
* Added gameobject_loot, skinning_loot and pickpocketing_loot to all BfA zones.
* Fixed Fear No Evil quests to address bug report ID#263.

+ A lot of other fixes.

Differences in donator core and free core:
Free core:
-Limited to 5 players.
-Advertisement on login.
-No updates.

Donator core:
-No limitations.
-No advertisements.
-Support from the team.
-Frequent updates.

Join our discord channel for downloads and updates, and donate to get even more!

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team
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Veteran Member
Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_21:

* Updated launcher to v2.7.
* Fixed a very big crash and memoryleak on launcher. (donot use the old v2.6!).
* Updated database to BFADB_837_2020_09_21.
* Fixed custom items (789001-789004).
* Fixed Quest: Defender of Azeroth (Quest ID: 58903/58902).
* Fixed Quest: Death Comes From On High (Quest ID: 12641).
* Corrected spawndifficulties/requirements for Operation Mechagon.
* Added jewel crafting spells to trainer Farii in The Exodar.
* Core/Spells: Warrior Last Stand (id 12975).
* Added some Operation mechagon spawns.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Rogue- Saber Slash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Rogue - Shadowstrike.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mage - Icicle.
* Core/Spells: Mage - Nova.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Sha - Lava Lash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed DK - Icy Touch.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Bloodthirst.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Slam.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Dru - Brutal Slash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Dru - Blessing of Elune.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Hun - Piercing Shot.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Rampage.
* Core/Spells: Fixed DH - Soul Cleave.
* Core/Spells: Warrior Blade Storm Off Hand (id 95738).
* Core/Spells: Rallying Cry (id 97262).
* Adjusted sql query for creature and gameobject respawns on crash.
* Core/Spells: Siphon Life spell id 63106
* Fixed fel spreader faction.
* Core/Spells: Spell fix Divine Storm spell id 53385
* Core/Spells: Fixed backstab spell effect.
* Fixed more dberrors and remove broken\obsolete sai.
* Fixed clam loot templates to address bugtracker ID's 2, 7 and 8.
* Added OPCODE's to get guild bank working.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mastery Ignite.
* Creature aura fixes.
* Disabled solocraft by default if no config option available.
* Added singleplayer hp mod.
* Added weekend XP rate module.

+ many other changes.

There has been some changes on bfacore donations.
There is no free repack anymore, only donator repack.

General Members:
Repack, sniffers and source code is only available to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 20€ for donator status.

Super Donators:
Super donators will have access to the source code.
Minimum donation is 100€ for super donator status.

Battle For Azeroth Sniffer and Packet Parser:
Cost is 200€ for sniffer and parser. PM Varjgard for info.

Join our discord channel for downloads and updates, and donate to get even more!

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team
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Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_09_21:

* Updated launcher to v2.7.
* Fixed a very big crash and memoryleak on launcher. (donot use the old v2.6!).
* Updated database to BFADB_837_2020_09_21.
* Fixed custom items (789001-789004).
* Fixed Quest: Defender of Azeroth (Quest ID: 58903/58902).
* Fixed Quest: Death Comes From On High (Quest ID: 12641).
* Corrected spawndifficulties/requirements for Operation Mechagon.
* Added jewel crafting spells to trainer Farii in The Exodar.
* Core/Spells: Warrior Last Stand (id 12975).
* Added some Operation mechagon spawns.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Rogue- Saber Slash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Rogue - Shadowstrike.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mage - Icicle.
* Core/Spells: Mage - Nova.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Sha - Lava Lash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed DK - Icy Touch.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Bloodthirst.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Slam.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Dru - Brutal Slash.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Dru - Blessing of Elune.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Hun - Piercing Shot.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Warr - Rampage.
* Core/Spells: Fixed DH - Soul Cleave.
* Core/Spells: Warrior Blade Storm Off Hand (id 95738).
* Core/Spells: Rallying Cry (id 97262).
* Adjusted sql query for creature and gameobject respawns on crash.
* Core/Spells: Siphon Life spell id 63106
* Fixed fel spreader faction.
* Core/Spells: Spell fix Divine Storm spell id 53385
* Core/Spells: Fixed backstab spell effect.
* Fixed more dberrors and remove broken\obsolete sai.
* Fixed clam loot templates to address bugtracker ID's 2, 7 and 8.
* Added OPCODE's to get guild bank working.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mastery Ignite.
* Creature aura fixes.
* Disabled solocraft by default if no config option available.
* Added singleplayer hp mod.
* Added weekend XP rate module.

+ many other changes.

There has been some changes on bfacore donations.
There is no free repack anymore, only donator repack.

General Members:
Repack, sniffers and source code is only available to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 20€ for donator status.

Super Donators:
Super donators will have access to the source code.
Minimum donation is 100€ for super donator status.

Battle For Azeroth Sniffer and Packet Parser:
Cost is 300€ for sniffer and parser. PM Varjgard for info.

Join our discord channel for downloads and updates, and donate to get even more!

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team
Intense work i must say.
Keep it up.

How well scripted is the core in its current stage ?


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hello all.

There has been a lot of interest for the free repack.
So, i will add the free repack back on next core update.
It will be updated with crashfixes, but all bug fixes still go to donator repack only.
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Veteran Member
Verified Member
Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_01.

We also added free repack back, free repack will get only crash fixes.
All bug fixes will be added to donator repack only.
Free repack is limited to 3 players, donator repack can have infinite amount of players.

Discord ranks:

General Members:
General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack.
Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes.
Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 20€ for donator status.

Supporters will have access to the source code and BFA packet sniffer.
Minimum donation is 300€ for supporter status.

-BfaCore Team

Changelog 2020_10_01:
main change is working battlepets. :)

* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_837_2020_10_01 and archive old updates.
* Map/Difficulty: IsNormal
* Map/Difficulty: IsNormal define
* Core/Areatrigger: Fixed quest Jasperlode Mine
* DB/Areatrigger: Assign script for at 87
* DB/Areatrigger: Assign script for at 88
* Core/Areatrigger: Fixed quest Fargodeep Mine
* Core/Update criteria for battle pet
* Some dberroe.log clean up.
Garothi spell scripts added/corrected effects.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Saber Slash chance
* Core/ClassHall: Fixed scene for quest - You Can't Take the Sky from Me
* Core/ClassHall: Rename script for Thisalee Crow
* DB/Creature: Rename script for Thisalee Crow
* DB/Creature: Lunarwing form chain start/end && misc
* Rename throne_of_thunder sql
* Core/ClassHall: Tempfixed chain for Lunarwing form
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Throne of Thunder spawns
* A few DBError.log fixes.
* Rename spell script name from spell_pri_dispel_magic to spell_pri_purify
* Renamed spell script name from spell_pri_circle_of_healing to spell_pri_holy_word_sanctify
* World/DB Fix temp battlepet info level before create parser
* Core/Unit: Fixed function Unit::RemoveAllAreaTriggers()
* Core/BattlePet fix end battle. work correcly
* Core/battlePet somes fix
* Core Fix battlePet, can battle with a pet now
* Core/Opcode implement HandleBattlePetClearFanfare and change somes bad procces
* Core/LFG update Ride Type
* Core->Init files for LFGGroup Finder
* Core/Spells: Fixed Saber clash crash
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed entrance and exit for Throne of Thunder
* Spell fix. Priest Holy Word Chastise Only Holy Spec get 4 sec GCD when casting smite.
* Spell fix: Priest Holy Word Sanctity (Renew now reduces GDC by 2 sec.) Bug ID 213
* The current OnEffectAborb uses a hardcoded SPELL_AURA_SCHOOL_ABSORB for the effect name.
created a new class and function to allow passing the EffIndex and the EffName. The new one is modeled very close to the current.
* DB/Creature: Fixed flags for npc controller in RtK
* Core/Scripts: Updated RtK instance script to current code standards
* Core/Scripts: Renamed new Kharazan as ReturnToKhazaran
* DB/SAI: Return to Kharazan
* DB/Creature: Fixed templates (levels, factions, ai assign) for all creatures in Return to Kharazan
* Rename RtK spawns
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fixed spawns for Return to Kharazan
* Core/Scenarios: Added scenario objectives for RtK (Lower Kharazan)
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed portal to Return to Kharazan
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed portal to Return to Kharazan
* Core/Creature: Fixed quest Welcome to Zuldazar
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed Dark Portal to Outland
* Core/Spells: Updated spell Shadowfiend to new code standards
* DB/SAI: Waycrest Manor AI
* CORE/Battle pet Update final
* DB\Quest: Fix quest 9403 (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI 9064 (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI for quest 8895 (BloodElf starting zone)
* DB/Gameobject: Mechagon gameobject spawns
* DB/Creature: Mechagon spawns
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fixed phases for 1800 spawns
* Core/Creature: Creatures are not supposed to asist another creature to attack player if they have flag UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_PC
* DB\World: Added missing NPC Darnell (NPC ID: 49425)
* DB/Tol Dagor: AI
* DB/Fix battle pet save
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix objectaccessor ...
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix objectaccessor
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix loading/saving battlepet And some opcodes updates structure to 8.3.7
* Core/FIX DB2 storage sBattlePetSpeciesStore
* DB\World: Fix Quest: Solanian's Belogings (Blood-Elf Starting Zone)
* DB\World: Fix Quest: The Shrine of Dath'Remar (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB/Creature: Fixed quest - Looks like a tauren pirate to me, A Nation United, The Emerald Dreamcatcher && Freehold AI
* Added missing declaration QUEST_NATION_UNITED
* Spell fix Priest - Holy Word: Sanctify Spell# 55675 (Formerly Circle of Healing)
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI: What You May Regret
* DB\World: Fix Quest chain: The Pride of Kul Tiras
* Core/Tiragarde Sound: Fixed quest - A Nation United
* Spell fix Priest - Power Word Fortitude spell# 21562
* Spell fix. Priest Vampiric Embrace Spell# 15286
Removed secondary buff spell# 15290
* Core fix my mistake
* COre\Misc: Fix compile warning and some comments.
* Core/Player: SaveBattlePets trans //
* Core/Spells: Some 'new' spell definitions
* Core/Deadmines: Prevent heroic version of Enraged worgens to be spawned on normal difficulty
* Core/Deadmines: Prevent heroic foe-reapers to be spawned on normal difficulty
* Core/Deadmines: Heroic version of Glubtok isn't supposed to be there on normal difficulty
* DB/Deadmines: Phase some spawns in wrong places
* DB/Gameobject: Fixed gameobjects for quest Solanian's Belongings
DB/Spells: Assigned Feral Frenzy script
* Core/Spells: Scripted Feral Frenzy
* Core Update battlePay structure
* CORE update battle pet
* DB/Spells: Assign Ancestors Call
* Core/Spells: Fixed racial spell - Ancestral Call
* Spell fix. Priest Renew spell# 139
* Spell fix Purify (formerly called Dispel Magic) Priest spell# 527
* DB/Conditions: Fixed Arathi Highlands swapping and some more related to BfA
* Core/Creature: Gossip workaround crash
* Core/Highmountain: Properly moved scene script where it's supposed to be
* Core/Scene: HM scene should not be there
* Core/Scripts: Add mising go include in King's Rest pt2
* Core/Scripts: Add mising go include in King's Rest
* DB/RBAC: Command movie, permissions
* DB/World: Command movie play
* Core/Commands: Scriptloader
* Core/Commands: Implemented command movie play
* Core/RBAC: Permissions defines for command movie play
* A few quest starter, flags and duplicate fixes
* Spell fix Warlock Shadow Bulwark (Voidwalker) Spell# 17767
* Spell fix. Spell# 19505 (Devour Magic - Felhunter)
* Core/DB-> Init all battle pet system
* DB\World: Fix Quest: The Wakening (Undead starting zone)
* DB\World: FIX Quest: The Suffering of Shen-zin Su
Close issue: 125 + rename sql file
* DB\World: Quest [The Suffering of Shen-zin Su]
Close issue: 125
* Core/Spells: Enum Azerite Traits for mage
* Core/Spells: Warrior - Optimized script and partially fixed Anger Management
* DB\World: Fix Lazz of Leisure FLight Master (Mechagon Horde)
* DB\World: FIX Cog Captain Winklespring - Flight Master (Mechagon Alliance) (Close issue 43)
* Core/Pandaria: Fixed - The Lesson of the Burning Scroll
* DB\World: Fix Portal to Silithus
* DB/Spells: Assigned missing sn for mirror image
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mage - Blizzard
* DB/Areatriggers: Assigned missing ats for blizzard, frozen orb
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed Consecration at

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Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_01.

We also added free repack back, free repack will get only crash fixes.
All bug fixes will be added to donator repack only.
Free repack is limited to 3 players, donator repack can have infinite amount of players.

Discord ranks:

General Members:
General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack.
Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes.
Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 25€ for donator status.

Supporters will have access to the source code and BFA packet sniffer.
Minimum donation is 300€ for supporter status.

-BfaCore Team

Changelog 2020_10_01:
main change is working battlepets. :)

* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_837_2020_10_01 and archive old updates.
* Map/Difficulty: IsNormal
* Map/Difficulty: IsNormal define
* Core/Areatrigger: Fixed quest Jasperlode Mine
* DB/Areatrigger: Assign script for at 87
* DB/Areatrigger: Assign script for at 88
* Core/Areatrigger: Fixed quest Fargodeep Mine
* Core/Update criteria for battle pet
* Some dberroe.log clean up.
Garothi spell scripts added/corrected effects.
* Core/Spells: Fixed Saber Slash chance
* Core/ClassHall: Fixed scene for quest - You Can't Take the Sky from Me
* Core/ClassHall: Rename script for Thisalee Crow
* DB/Creature: Rename script for Thisalee Crow
* DB/Creature: Lunarwing form chain start/end && misc
* Rename throne_of_thunder sql
* Core/ClassHall: Tempfixed chain for Lunarwing form
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Throne of Thunder spawns
* A few DBError.log fixes.
* Rename spell script name from spell_pri_dispel_magic to spell_pri_purify
* Renamed spell script name from spell_pri_circle_of_healing to spell_pri_holy_word_sanctify
* World/DB Fix temp battlepet info level before create parser
* Core/Unit: Fixed function Unit::RemoveAllAreaTriggers()
* Core/BattlePet fix end battle. work correcly
* Core/battlePet somes fix
* Core Fix battlePet, can battle with a pet now
* Core/Opcode implement HandleBattlePetClearFanfare and change somes bad procces
* Core/LFG update Ride Type
* Core->Init files for LFGGroup Finder
* Core/Spells: Fixed Saber clash crash
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed entrance and exit for Throne of Thunder
* Spell fix. Priest Holy Word Chastise Only Holy Spec get 4 sec GCD when casting smite.
* Spell fix: Priest Holy Word Sanctity (Renew now reduces GDC by 2 sec.) Bug ID 213
* The current OnEffectAborb uses a hardcoded SPELL_AURA_SCHOOL_ABSORB for the effect name.
created a new class and function to allow passing the EffIndex and the EffName. The new one is modeled very close to the current.
* DB/Creature: Fixed flags for npc controller in RtK
* Core/Scripts: Updated RtK instance script to current code standards
* Core/Scripts: Renamed new Kharazan as ReturnToKhazaran
* DB/SAI: Return to Kharazan
* DB/Creature: Fixed templates (levels, factions, ai assign) for all creatures in Return to Kharazan
* Rename RtK spawns
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fixed spawns for Return to Kharazan
* Core/Scenarios: Added scenario objectives for RtK (Lower Kharazan)
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed portal to Return to Kharazan
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed portal to Return to Kharazan
* Core/Creature: Fixed quest Welcome to Zuldazar
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed Dark Portal to Outland
* Core/Spells: Updated spell Shadowfiend to new code standards
* DB/SAI: Waycrest Manor AI
* CORE/Battle pet Update final
* DB\Quest: Fix quest 9403 (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI 9064 (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI for quest 8895 (BloodElf starting zone)
* DB/Gameobject: Mechagon gameobject spawns
* DB/Creature: Mechagon spawns
* DB/Creature/Gameobject: Fixed phases for 1800 spawns
* Core/Creature: Creatures are not supposed to asist another creature to attack player if they have flag UNIT_FLAG_IMMUNE_TO_PC
* DB\World: Added missing NPC Darnell (NPC ID: 49425)
* DB/Tol Dagor: AI
* DB/Fix battle pet save
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix objectaccessor ...
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix objectaccessor
* CORE/BattlePet -> Fix loading/saving battlepet And some opcodes updates structure to 8.3.7
* Core/FIX DB2 storage sBattlePetSpeciesStore
* DB\World: Fix Quest: Solanian's Belogings (Blood-Elf Starting Zone)
* DB\World: Fix Quest: The Shrine of Dath'Remar (Blood Elf starting zone)
* DB/Creature: Fixed quest - Looks like a tauren pirate to me, A Nation United, The Emerald Dreamcatcher && Freehold AI
* Added missing declaration QUEST_NATION_UNITED
* Spell fix Priest - Holy Word: Sanctify Spell# 55675 (Formerly Circle of Healing)
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI: What You May Regret
* DB\World: Fix Quest chain: The Pride of Kul Tiras
* Core/Tiragarde Sound: Fixed quest - A Nation United
* Spell fix Priest - Power Word Fortitude spell# 21562
* Spell fix. Priest Vampiric Embrace Spell# 15286
Removed secondary buff spell# 15290
* Core fix my mistake
* COre\Misc: Fix compile warning and some comments.
* Core/Player: SaveBattlePets trans //
* Core/Spells: Some 'new' spell definitions
* Core/Deadmines: Prevent heroic version of Enraged worgens to be spawned on normal difficulty
* Core/Deadmines: Prevent heroic foe-reapers to be spawned on normal difficulty
* Core/Deadmines: Heroic version of Glubtok isn't supposed to be there on normal difficulty
* DB/Deadmines: Phase some spawns in wrong places
* DB/Gameobject: Fixed gameobjects for quest Solanian's Belongings
DB/Spells: Assigned Feral Frenzy script
* Core/Spells: Scripted Feral Frenzy
* Core Update battlePay structure
* CORE update battle pet
* DB/Spells: Assign Ancestors Call
* Core/Spells: Fixed racial spell - Ancestral Call
* Spell fix. Priest Renew spell# 139
* Spell fix Purify (formerly called Dispel Magic) Priest spell# 527
* DB/Conditions: Fixed Arathi Highlands swapping and some more related to BfA
* Core/Creature: Gossip workaround crash
* Core/Highmountain: Properly moved scene script where it's supposed to be
* Core/Scene: HM scene should not be there
* Core/Scripts: Add mising go include in King's Rest pt2
* Core/Scripts: Add mising go include in King's Rest
* DB/RBAC: Command movie, permissions
* DB/World: Command movie play
* Core/Commands: Scriptloader
* Core/Commands: Implemented command movie play
* Core/RBAC: Permissions defines for command movie play
* A few quest starter, flags and duplicate fixes
* Spell fix Warlock Shadow Bulwark (Voidwalker) Spell# 17767
* Spell fix. Spell# 19505 (Devour Magic - Felhunter)
* Core/DB-> Init all battle pet system
* DB\World: Fix Quest: The Wakening (Undead starting zone)
* DB\World: FIX Quest: The Suffering of Shen-zin Su
Close issue: 125 + rename sql file
* DB\World: Quest [The Suffering of Shen-zin Su]
Close issue: 125
* Core/Spells: Enum Azerite Traits for mage
* Core/Spells: Warrior - Optimized script and partially fixed Anger Management
* DB\World: Fix Lazz of Leisure FLight Master (Mechagon Horde)
* DB\World: FIX Cog Captain Winklespring - Flight Master (Mechagon Alliance) (Close issue 43)
* Core/Pandaria: Fixed - The Lesson of the Burning Scroll
* DB\World: Fix Portal to Silithus
* DB/Spells: Assigned missing sn for mirror image
* Core/Spells: Fixed Mage - Blizzard
* DB/Areatriggers: Assigned missing ats for blizzard, frozen orb
* DB/Areatriggers: Fixed Consecration at

Love your work guys, keep it up


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hello, I have 2 questions. How much of the quests are bugged (are they being worked on or not)? and for my second question, will I be able to play this with my friends? If yes i'll definitely download and donate as well.


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Hello, I have 2 questions. How much of the quests are bugged (are they being worked on or not)? and for my second question, will I be able to play this with my friends? If yes i'll definitely download and donate as well.
Free repack is Limited to 5 players, donated version has no limit .
Ofc you can Play with friends


Veteran Member
Verified Member
and what about the quests and the raids/dungeons? Also how much is the donation if I want the updates?
well there is 35716 quests, so we have not tested and fixed all of them.
we are working on all bugs we find, eventually everything will be fixed, we have a good developer team now.

minimum donation for all future updates is 25€.

free repack doesnt need donating, but it will get only crash fixes, no bug fixes.