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[Release] BfaCore Repack


Veteran Member
Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_12.

Download links are now on GitLab.com so if you are a donator create account
there and send the name to me as Private Message so i can add you there.
This makes it easier to control downloads and the bandwidth is unlimited.

Differences in donator repack and free repack:
Free repack:
-No updates.
-No support.
-Advertisement on login.
-Limited to 3 players.

Donator core:
-Frequent bug fixes and updates.
-Support from team.
-No advertisements on login.
-No limitations.

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team

* DB\World: Add Vault of wardens graveyard zone and ".tele vaultofwardens".
* DB\World: Adjust mardum and VoW mana stats and fix fel lord caza stats.
* DB\World: Fix mardum cryptic hollow invisible npcs attacking player.
* DB\World: Fix npc hp and damage on mardum and VoW.
* DB\World: Engineering trainer fixes.
* DB/Creature: Creature texts for Trade Prince Gallywix, used in Opulence encounter
* DB/Quest: Ride of the Zandalari
* DB\World: Fix battlepet_npc_team_member missing columns.
* DB/Creature: Model data
* Core/LFGList rewrite LowType Guid to getcounter
* Core/Fix send cinematic on first login
* DB/Update allied race to 8.3.7
* Core/Script, update allied race to 8.3.7
* DB/Creature: Assign scriptname for Captain Rezokun
* Core/Fix cleanup and fix OpenAlliedRaceDetails GOSSIP
* Core/Quest: Enum Send the Fleet, Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/Creature: Captain Rez'okun gossip menu option
* Core/Quest: Script Captain Rezokon for quest Send the Fleet, including movie and first part Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/AlliancePortalRoom: Update phases by areaID
* Core/Cleanup & set actif SMSG_ALLIED_RACE_DETAILS
* Core/GameTable fix loading
* Core/Update Verify/Rename adventure map poi packet
* DBError.log Creature_loot_template fixed.
* Core/Cleanup in PrepareGossipMenu
* Core/LFGList small update and cleanup
* Core/Debug AdventureJournal
* Core/update bg code and set unhandled SMSG_REQUEST_SCHEDULED_PVP_INFO_RESPONSE opcode
* Core/PacketIO Implement correcly wargame packets
* Core/Opcode Set status unhandled where Handle_NULL
* Core/Cleanup Group finder work now correcly
* Core/ fix load db2
* DB/Creature: Assign missing scriptname for Dreadstalkers
* Core/Spells: Update at id for Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign script for Lingering Insanity
* Core/Spells: Lingering Insanity
* Core/DB2 Fixed 6 db2 structures loading
* More quest ender fixes.
* Many fixes for quest starters/enders
* DB/Spells: Fix some Feral spells learning when you switch spec
* Core/Spells: Call Dreadstalkers
* DB/Creature: Assign Wild Imp script
* Core/Spells: Wild Imp is now scaled based on caster's hitpoints
* Core/Spells: Void Reaver Force target to get base points directly from spell effect
* DB/Spells: Assign Void Reaver
* Misc. dberror.log fixes.
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/BattlePet temporary fix battlepet delete pet
* Core/update guild challenge system work & flags for rename is implemented
* Core\Typo: Fix linux build (again :p) damn linux CasESensiTive :D
* Core/PacketIO update/Remove duplicate function in guild challenge update
* Core/Implement Guild Invite Declined
* Core/Implement Guild Shift Rank and update code for opcode SMSG_GUILD_EVENT_RANKS_UPDATED
* Core/Implement Guild flag for rename
* Core/PacketIO Implement Guild Change Name opcode
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, hardcode and fix another parts of the quest to core
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, fix movement, gossip flag, crash
* Core/Typo: Fix Linux build
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fix killcredit, scene, blackscreen
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fixed escortAI
* Core/Quest: Fixed quest Welcome to Zuldazar
* Core/Scenario: Improve Stormwind Extraction skip a little
* DB/Spells: Assign some mage scriptnames and data
* Core/Spells: Update at id for mage meteor
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Many more creature_loot_template fixes
* Model fixes by Damieninabox
* Many creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/Spells: Searing Touch
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB/Creature: Prevent Darnell to be attackable
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB\World: Fix Quest In the blink of an Eye (Quest ID: 44663)
* DB\World: Object (Portal to Orgrimmar)
* DB\ModelData: add 107 models to db.
* CoreScripts: Fix npc_eoa_call_the_seas::npc_eoa_call_the_seas_AI::UpdateAI crash.
* Core\Spells: Fix spell_rog_saber_slash::HandleOnHit crash.
* Core\Functions: Remove broken "HandleOverrideZonePVPType" and implement "HandleModOverrideZonePVPType".
* Core\Functions: Implement "bool IsPvPRealm()".
* Core\Players: Corrected logic determining contested/friendly/hostile area types. (TC cherry-pick)
* Core\Handlers: Fix BattleGroundHandler.
* Core\Opcodes: Fix, rename, and add opcodes for 8.3.7. :)
* More dberror.log fixes (loot templates)
* More dberror.log fixes (quests)
* Continuing the dberror.log fixes campaign
* Core/Opcode Rewrite QueryQuestReward to QueryTreasurePicker World Quest rework after complete first quest
* Various DBError.log fixes.
* DBError.log fixes. Cleaned up lots of abandoned entries in creature_template_addon table
* Core\Scripts: Fix operation mechagon file names.
* Core\Script: Fix operation mechagon build error.
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Rename header
* DB/Operation Mechagon: Assign instance script
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Scriptloader
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Tusle Tonks
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Trixie && Naeno && Mechacycle
* Core/Operation Mechagon: KUJO
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Mechagon
* Core/Operation Mechagon: HK8
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Head machinist Sparkflux
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Instance
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Gunker
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Gobbamak
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Header
* Rename Mechagon to Operation Mechagon
* DB/Dungeon: Operation Mechagon
* Cleaned out some abandoned gameobject_template_addon records.
* Spell fix. Druid Maul spell# 6807
* DB\Base: Merge missing data, revert some dberror fixes, update bases.
* Merge missing data from 837 TDB (411 quests, creatures, gameobjects etc...).
* DB\Misc: Rename some npcs with "0" as name.
* DB/WQ: Removed wq 51581, causing worldserver to stuck for eternity
* Fix battlepay locale loading
* DB\World: Fix spell Consecreation (by Splose) + added some missing queries :p
* DB\World: Fix spell Retribution (By Splose)
* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (by Splose) also a fix file extension (pardon me :p )
* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (By Splose)
* DB/Fix load battlepey display info
* Core/Big update for implement bases groupFinder, somes modifications of battlepay, rewrite somes Opcodes
* Core/Areatrigger: Prevent custom areatriggers to be removed from the world after one 'use'
* Core/SmartAI Fix Void function
* Core/SmartAI: allow SMART_ACTION_SEND_GOSSIP_MENU to override default gossip
* Core/BattlePet Fix show level of battle pets
* Core/Freehold: Removed unneeded lines, causing also crashes
Last edited:


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Sadly I wont be buying it now : Donator repack access will now be 10€\month
Why don't you get a license system like Emucoach ?


Veteran Member
Verified Member

The feedback on month based subscription has been so bad, that we will revert it back to 1 time donation. Sorry for the inconvenience.

General Members:
General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack.
Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes.
Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 25€ for donator status (1 time donation).

Supporters will have access to the source code and BFA packet sniffer.
Minimum donation is 200€ for supporter status (1 time donation).

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-



Trial Member
I am trying to access Discord, but it says that I am banned?

But that aside, I have one question - is there a full client?


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter

The feedback on month based subscription has been so bad, that we will revert it back to 1 time donation. Sorry for the inconvenience.

General Members:
General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack.
Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes.
Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 25€ for donator status (1 time donation).

Supporters will have access to the source code and BFA packet sniffer.
Minimum donation is 200€ for supporter status (1 time donation).

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

Glad to see the monthly payment method was removed :)


Veteran Member
Verified Member

Greetings everyone.

Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_19.

General Members:
General members will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 free repack.
Free repack will only get crash fixes, no bug fixes.
Updates and bug fixes are available only to donators.

Donators will have access to BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack and updates.
Minimum donation is 25€ for donator status (1 time donation).

Supporters will have access to the source code and BFA packet sniffer.
Supporters will have unlimited access to donator repack.
Minimum donation is 200€ for supporter status (1 time donation).

Differences in donator repack and free repack:
Free repack:
-No updates.
-No support.
-Advertisement on login.
-Limited to 3 players.

Donator core:
-Frequent bug fixes and updates.
-Support from team.
-No advertisements on login.
-No limitations.

-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-

-BfaCore Team

* DB/Spells: Assign Ring of Peace
* Core/Spells: Ring of Peace
* Core/Spells: Soothing Mist casted by statue will now properly target owner's target
* DB/Creature: Jade Serpent Statue
* Core/Spells: Despawn Jade Serpent Statue if owner change spec
* Core/Spells: Soothing Mist
* DB/Quests: Finding a Foothold, For the Aliiance! Kill whitespace
* Core/Areatrigger: Set custom id range
* Core/Areatrigger: Areatrigger visuals are now properly removed together with areatrigger
* DB/Quests: Finding a Foothold, For the Aliiance!
* Core/Scripts: For the Alliance!
* Core/Scripts: Finding a Foothold
* Core/Spells: Darkness
* DB\Hotfixes: Item 23472 - Rugged Trappers Boots.
* Core/Garrison Implement GarrisonSwapBuildings opcode without handled more search needed
* DB\World: Creature scripts
* DB\Hotifx: Fix quest errors with missing items from db
* Core\Scripts: Fix check on "onlegionarrival".
* Core\Script: Adjust "onlegionarrival" for demonhunters.
* Core\Scripts: Handle OnLegionArrival correctly for demonhunters.
* DB\World: Mardum spirit healer.
* Core\Scripts: Destroy "legion banner - gob 259043, 250560" for player after use (block multiuse).
* Core\Scripts: Destroy "legion communicator - gob 244439, 244440" for player after use (block multiuse).
* DB\World: Fix all mardum boss stats.
* DB\World: Fix all mardum quest objective texts to blizzlike.
* DB\Hotfixes, DB\World: TC Bruteforce 35662.
* Added a more scripts, mostly creature, to the db.
* Few small fixes in stonetalon moutains
* DB\World: Remove broken and obsolete sai. and fix bpet sql syntax.
* Core/BattlePet Reverse Ability
* Core/Packets Scripts Update Instance Encounter Packets and implement it
* Added many creature and spell missing scripts to the db
* DB\World: Clean database from obsolete quests.
* DB\World: Update 2020_10_17_01_world_delete_obsolete_quests.sql
* DB\World: dberror fixes for broken conditions.
* Core/Creature: Script Dread Admiral Tattersail to allow players set sail to BfA zones
* DB\World: dberror fixes.
* DB\World: update 2020_10_17_01_world_delete_obsolete_quests.sql a little.
* DB\World: Delete obsolete quests that give error and have been removed from game.
* DB/Creature: Dread-Admiral Tattersail
* QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest.
* Fixed a couple typos that were causing an issue.
* DB\World: Fix all rest of the model errors.
* DB\World: add TC 35662 bruteforce data to db, cleaned poi errors after that, fix syntax on 2020_10_16_00_cleanup_error_log_invalid_creatures.sql.
* DB/WarCampaign: Dark Iron Mole Machine
* Core/WarCampaign: The Fury of the Zandalari
* DB/WarCampaign: The Fury of the Zandalari
* DB\World: Cleanup error log for invalid creatures spawn
* Fixes for warrior spells Devastate and Frothing Berserker
* Fix warrior spell Odyns Fury (Warrior only weapon)
* Fixes for the warrior spells Sudden Death and Victorious
* DB\World: Creature display models - Laur.
* DB\World: Fix inhabittype on Stormwind Gryphon Rider.
* COre\Scripts: 2 crashes from "freehold" dungeon.
* DB\World: dberror fixes.
* Fixes for the following warrior spells.
Shield Slam
Sword and Board
Shield Block
* DB\World: Graveyards Nazjatar
* DB\World: Dberror fixes.
* DB\World: Nazjatar gameobject_template entries.
* DB\World: Nazjatar creature and gameobject spawns.
* DB/War Campaign: The Fury of the Zandalari 8.1
* DB/War Campaign: Lost Honor 8.1
* DB/War Campaign: The Fury of the Zandalari 8.1
* DB/War Campaign: Lost Honor 8.1
* DB\World: Allied DK graveyard.
* DB\World: Nazjatar graveyard.
* Core\Scripts: Add Nazjatar alliance intro movie (quest Send the Fleet 56043).
* DB/Conditions: Remove not-working Darkshore terrain swap
* DB/Creature: Assign Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth scriptname
* Core/Creature: Script Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth to allow players set sail to BfA zones
* DB/Quests: Wrath of the Zandalari, fix chains (Thanks to Damien)
* Core/Misc: Revert back to using boost::regex, std::wregex doesn't work for name validation. (tc cherry-pick)
* Core/battlepet implement EffectGrantBattlePetLevel
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls, final form
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls - Healing below pct hp 100
* DB/Spells: Cleanup of spellscripts which we don't need anymore
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls
* DB/Creature: Translate Toki's text to English
* DB\World:Fix Portal spells Stormwind
* Core/Quest: Ride of the Zandalari, improve scripts and finish
* DB/Creature: Some random fixes for Nazmir
* Core\Battleground: Fix signed\unsigned mismatch warning.
* DB/BattlePet Fix learn spell revive battle pet
* Core/packet implement SMSG_BATTLEGROUND_POINTS structure
* Core/packet Implement SMSG_BATTLEGROUND_INIT and fix Mistake structure WargameRequestSuccessfullySentToOpponent
* Core/Packet implement CMSG_QUERY_COUNTDOWN_TIMER
* Core/Battlepet Rewrite battlepet_npc_team_member


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
MoP Premium
Senior User
Thanks for the updates. I'm applying these each week or so, then checking if my characters can progress where they were stuck.

I was wondering when the issues around skinning would be resolved? I have a low level Human near Goldshire staring at numerous boars (in red), alive, all showing the skinning ability when I hover over them.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Greetings everyone.

We have some previews from the future of our core development.
On the future we will have 2 cores, BfaCore and ShadowCore.

BfaCore will be for battle for azeroth 8.3.7 and
ShadowCore will be for shadowlands 9.0.1.

There is still a long long long way to go before we can release a repack for shadowlands, but we are working on it.

Here is some preview screenshots for you from our team :)

-BfaCore Team



Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Greetings everyone.

We have some previews from the future of our core development.
On the future we will have 2 cores, BfaCore and ShadowCore.

BfaCore will be for battle for azeroth 8.3.7 and
ShadowCore will be for shadowlands 9.0.1.

There is still a long long long way to go before we can release a repack for shadowlands, but we are working on it.

Here is some preview screenshots for you from our team :)

-BfaCore Team

Would you be a able to release some sort of % of the core dev for bfa ? ?
Keep up the good work


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
world of warcraft is so huge game and there is a lot of content so it is pretty hard to estimate :D
Don't you have a staff member who can go through some of the bfa dungeons?
Right now you're not selling the repack that well i think, not to be rude or anything ☺️?


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Don't you have a staff member who can go through some of the bfa dungeons?
Right now you're not selling the repack that well i think, not to be rude or anything ☺?
Well we have constant donations coming, so i think we are selling good enough ?