Greetings everyone.
Donator repack got updated to version 2020_10_12.
Download links are now on GitLab.com so if you are a donator create account
there and send the name to me as Private Message so i can add you there.
This makes it easier to control downloads and the bandwidth is unlimited.
Differences in donator repack and free repack:
Free repack:
-No updates.
-No support.
-Advertisement on login.
-Limited to 3 players.
Donator core:
-Frequent bug fixes and updates.
-Support from team.
-No advertisements on login.
-No limitations.
-BfaCore Discord-
-Make a PayPal Donation-
-BfaCore Team
* DB\World: Add Vault of wardens graveyard zone and ".tele vaultofwardens".
* DB\World: Adjust mardum and VoW mana stats and fix fel lord caza stats.
* DB\World: Fix mardum cryptic hollow invisible npcs attacking player.
* DB\World: Fix npc hp and damage on mardum and VoW.
* DB\World: Engineering trainer fixes.
* DB/Creature: Creature texts for Trade Prince Gallywix, used in Opulence encounter
* DB/Quest: Ride of the Zandalari
* DB\World: Fix battlepet_npc_team_member missing columns.
* DB/Creature: Model data
* Core/LFGList rewrite LowType Guid to getcounter
* Core/Fix send cinematic on first login
* DB/Update allied race to 8.3.7
* Core/Script, update allied race to 8.3.7
* DB/Creature: Assign scriptname for Captain Rezokun
* Core/Fix cleanup and fix OpenAlliedRaceDetails GOSSIP
* Core/Quest: Enum Send the Fleet, Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/Creature: Captain Rez'okun gossip menu option
* Core/Quest: Script Captain Rezokon for quest Send the Fleet, including movie and first part Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/AlliancePortalRoom: Update phases by areaID
* Core/Cleanup & set actif SMSG_ALLIED_RACE_DETAILS
* Core/GameTable fix loading
* Core/Update Verify/Rename adventure map poi packet
* DBError.log Creature_loot_template fixed.
* Core/Cleanup in PrepareGossipMenu
* Core/LFGList small update and cleanup
* Core/Debug AdventureJournal
* Core/update bg code and set unhandled SMSG_REQUEST_SCHEDULED_PVP_INFO_RESPONSE opcode
* Core/PacketIO Implement correcly wargame packets
* Core/Opcode Set status unhandled where Handle_NULL
* Core/Cleanup Group finder work now correcly
* Core/ fix load db2
* DB/Creature: Assign missing scriptname for Dreadstalkers
* Core/Spells: Update at id for Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign script for Lingering Insanity
* Core/Spells: Lingering Insanity
* Core/DB2 Fixed 6 db2 structures loading
* More quest ender fixes.
* Many fixes for quest starters/enders
* DB/Spells: Fix some Feral spells learning when you switch spec
* Core/Spells: Call Dreadstalkers
* DB/Creature: Assign Wild Imp script
* Core/Spells: Wild Imp is now scaled based on caster's hitpoints
* Core/Spells: Void Reaver Force target to get base points directly from spell effect
* DB/Spells: Assign Void Reaver
* Misc. dberror.log fixes.
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/BattlePet temporary fix battlepet delete pet
* Core/update guild challenge system work & flags for rename is implemented
* Core\Typo: Fix linux build (again

) damn linux CasESensiTive

* Core/PacketIO update/Remove duplicate function in guild challenge update
* Core/Implement Guild Invite Declined
* Core/Implement Guild Shift Rank and update code for opcode SMSG_GUILD_EVENT_RANKS_UPDATED
* Core/Implement Guild flag for rename
* Core/PacketIO Implement Guild Change Name opcode
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, hardcode and fix another parts of the quest to core
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, fix movement, gossip flag, crash
* Core/Typo: Fix Linux build
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fix killcredit, scene, blackscreen
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fixed escortAI
* Core/Quest: Fixed quest Welcome to Zuldazar
* Core/Scenario: Improve Stormwind Extraction skip a little
* DB/Spells: Assign some mage scriptnames and data
* Core/Spells: Update at id for mage meteor
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Many more creature_loot_template fixes
* Model fixes by Damieninabox
* Many creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/Spells: Searing Touch
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB/Creature: Prevent Darnell to be attackable
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB\World: Fix Quest In the blink of an Eye (Quest ID: 44663)
* DB\World: Object (Portal to Orgrimmar)
* DB\ModelData: add 107 models to db.
* CoreScripts: Fix npc_eoa_call_the_seas::npc_eoa_call_the_seas_AI::UpdateAI crash.
* Core\Spells: Fix spell_rog_saber_slash::HandleOnHit crash.
* Core\Functions: Remove broken "HandleOverrideZonePVPType" and implement "HandleModOverrideZonePVPType".
* Core\Functions: Implement "bool IsPvPRealm()".
* Core\Players: Corrected logic determining contested/friendly/hostile area types. (TC cherry-pick)
* Core\Handlers: Fix BattleGroundHandler.
* Core\Opcodes: Fix, rename, and add opcodes for 8.3.7.

* More dberror.log fixes (loot templates)
* More dberror.log fixes (quests)
* Continuing the dberror.log fixes campaign
* Core/Opcode Rewrite QueryQuestReward to QueryTreasurePicker World Quest rework after complete first quest
* Various DBError.log fixes.
* DBError.log fixes. Cleaned up lots of abandoned entries in creature_template_addon table
* Core\Scripts: Fix operation mechagon file names.
* Core\Script: Fix operation mechagon build error.
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Rename header
* DB/Operation Mechagon: Assign instance script
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Scriptloader
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Tusle Tonks
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Trixie && Naeno && Mechacycle
* Core/Operation Mechagon: KUJO
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Mechagon
* Core/Operation Mechagon: HK8
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Head machinist Sparkflux
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Instance
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Gunker
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Gobbamak
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Header
* Rename Mechagon to Operation Mechagon
* DB/Dungeon: Operation Mechagon
* Cleaned out some abandoned gameobject_template_addon records.
* Spell fix. Druid Maul spell# 6807
* DB\Base: Merge missing data, revert some dberror fixes, update bases.
* Merge missing data from 837 TDB (411 quests, creatures, gameobjects etc...).
* DB\Misc: Rename some npcs with "0" as name.
* DB/WQ: Removed wq 51581, causing worldserver to stuck for eternity
* Fix battlepay locale loading
* DB\World: Fix spell Consecreation (by Splose) + added some missing queries

* DB\World: Fix spell Retribution (By Splose)
* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (by Splose) also a fix file extension (pardon me

* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (By Splose)
* DB/Fix load battlepey display info
* Core/Big update for implement bases groupFinder, somes modifications of battlepay, rewrite somes Opcodes
* Core/Areatrigger: Prevent custom areatriggers to be removed from the world after one 'use'
* Core/SmartAI Fix Void function
* Core/SmartAI: allow SMART_ACTION_SEND_GOSSIP_MENU to override default gossip
* Core/BattlePet Fix show level of battle pets
* Core/Freehold: Removed unneeded lines, causing also crashes