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    BUG Quest: Back to Basics (Darnassus)

    [Name, Type] Back to Basics, Daily cooking quest •[What it does] Practice making rice flour just goes on and on and never completes •[What it should do] Should last a few seconds each time
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    BUG Quest: I Need to Cask a Favor (Ironforge)

    [Name, Type] I need to Cask a Favor, daily cooking quest •[What it does] Run the keg back to the Bronze Kettle, but character never stops running and never gets acknowledged that the quest is complete •[What it should do] Should deliver the keg once back in The Bronze Kettle with keg
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    BUG Quest: Live Bait (Ironforge)

    [Name, Type] Live Bait, dailly cooking quest •[What it does] Used the bait, jump in Helm's Bed Lake, but no Crayfish appears •[What it should do] Should be able to pick up a Crayfish and then take it back to IF
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    BUG Daily Quest: A Fowl Shortage (Ironforge)

    [Name, Type] A Fowl Shortage, daily cooking quest •[What it does] Unable to pick up Dun Morogh Chicken, can only kill them and then they are not available to pick up •[What it should do] Similar issue to Feeling Crabby? Should be able to just pick them up. Also, no quests were available in IF...
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    BUG Daily Quest: Perfectly Pickled Portions (Thunder Bluff)

    [Name, Type] Perfectly Pickled Portions, Daily Quest •[What it does] Unable to find any of the required items •[What it should do] Should be in various shops around TB
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    BUG Quest: Corn Mash (Thunder Bluff)

    [Name, Type] Corn Mash, daily quest •[What it does] Endlessly pound a bowl and never acheive objective •[What it should do] Pound bowl for a few seconds and get quest credit for it * Also, first time I checked in the Thunder Bluff there were no cooking dailys, next day all 5 were available
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    BUG Quest: Engineering A Disaster

    [Name, Type] Engineering A Disaster, quest •[What it does] NPC Engineer Helice stops after a few steps and just stays there •[What it should do] Engineer Helice should follow a route out of the camp before the quest will flag complete
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    BUG Quest: Reconnaissance Flight

    [Name, Type] Reconnaissance Flight, quest •[What it does] Flies through mountains, land and rivers to The Avalanche and gets jammed •[What it should do] Should fly through the air to The Avalanche
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    BUG Daily Quest: Jewel of the Sewers

    [Name, Type] Jewel of the Sewers, daily quest •[What it does] zero XP for complete •[What it should do] Quest stated 21400 xp
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    BUG Daily quest: Sewer Stew

    [Name, Type] Sewer Stew, daily quest •[What it does] zero XP for completion •[What it should do] quest stated 16050 xp
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    BUG Quest: Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper

    [Name, Type] Wanted: Ragemane's Flipper, quest •[What it does] Not loot item on killing Ragemane •[What it should do] Killing Ragemane, should result in the flipper being lootable
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    BUG Quest: Wooly Justice

    [Name, Type] Wooly Justice, quest •[What it does] Unable to stamp on targets, can move Mammoth, but not kill anything •[What it should do] Trample target trolls and kill them
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    BUG Quest: You Reap What You Sow

    •[Name, Type] You Reap What You Sow, quest •[What it does] Can't use Quest Item on Prophet of Quetz'lun as prophet is engaged •[What it should do] Use quest item and slay Prophet
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    BUG quest: Hell Hath a Fury

    [Name, Type] Hell Hath a Fury, quest •[What it does] Using the Hexxing stick on the targets and slaying does not flag the part of the quest as complete •[What it should do] Slaying the three preists targets after using the Hexxing Stick on them should complete the requirements
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    BUG Quest: I Sense a Disturbance

    [Name, Type] I Sense a Disturbance, quest •[What it does] After talking to Har'koa a mount appears which you can mount, but you have to manually move and go to Altar of Quetz'Lun •[What it should do] Mount should automatically take a roudabout route to the Altar of Quetz'Lun
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    BUG Quest: Cocooned!

    [Name, Type] Cocooned! , quest •[What it does] breaking cocoons should either release a captive footman or an enemy NPC •[What it should do] The Cocoons all empty
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    BUG Quest: Leave no one Behind

    [Name, Type] Leave no one Behind, quest •[What it does] Escort the three back to the Drak'Sotra base, they all go to Dr. Rogers, but none acknowledge for the quest •[What it should do] Should flag that the crusaders have been saved
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    BUG Quest: The Leaders of Jin'Alai

    [Name, Type] The Leaders of Jin'Alai, quest •[What it does] Gawanil is there, however does not drop the quest item, although this is normally a chest you have to open? Possibly another of the leaders is there, but underground? •[What it should do] Leaders should appear after so many kills of...
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    BUG Quest: Lab Work

    [Name, Type] Lab Work, quest •[What it does] Ingrediants expire in 25 secs, however you need 4 different things, so impossible. Expiry should relate to daily quest 'Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice' where you are sent on the runaround for one ingrediant at a time. •[What it should do]...
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    BUG Quest: Pa'Troll

    [Name, Type] Pa'Troll, quest •[What it does] Completing Captain Brandon's task does not register as task complete for Pa'Troll •[What it should do] Completing sub-quest should flag that part for Pa'Troll as complete