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    BUG Quest: Elune's Tear (ID: 26475)

    [Name, Type] Elune's Tear, quest •[What it does] Tear is not visible in the earth around the zone it should be •[What it should do] The tear should be in the earth around the tree stump, and should be able to pick it up
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    BUG Quest: The Heart of Mokk (ID: 26598)

    [Name, Type] The Heart of Mokk , Quest •[What it does] The Gorillas do appear but just walk underground, and it's difficult to get aggro to keep them above ground •[What it should do] They gorilla should walk up the hill towards the cave and Witch Doctor Unbagwa
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    BUG Quest: Astranaar's Burning! (ID: 13849)

    [Name, Type] Astranaar's Burning!, Quest •[What it does] There are no fires to put out. •[What it should do] Should be able to use the supplied 'Bucket of Water' to put out fires
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    BUG Quest: Respect for the Fallen (ID: 13626)

    [Name, Type] Respect for the Fallen , Quest •[What it does] Unable to obtain quest items from the two corpses (when using supplied cloak) •[What it should do] Looking the two corpses should give you Feero's Holy Hammer and The Purifier's Prayer Book
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    BUG Quest: Ritual Materials (ID: 13566)

    [Name, Type] Ritual Materials, Quest •[What it does] There are no Doe's around to obtain the Tuft of Mottled Doe Hair. The other creatures Moonstalker and Thistle Bears are there and drop the other quest items. •[What it should do] Should be doe's around to loot
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    BUG Quest: Twice Removed (ID: 13565)

    [Name, Type] Twice Removed, Quest •[What it does] When you use the Petrified Root on a Darkscale Scout corpse you get the message 'You Can't do that yet' •[What it should do] Raise an Ent from the corpse
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    BUG Quest: The Battle for Gilneas City (ID: 24904)

    [Name, Type] The Battle for Gilneas City, Quest •[What it does] Need to speak to Krennan Aranas to start, but speaking to him he just says 'All is lost...' •[What it should do] The battle sequence should start
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    BUG Quest: Seize the Ambassador (ID: 26118)

    [Name, Type] Seize the Ambassador, quest •[What it does] You take the Ambassador to the High Seat and nothing happens, ? does not show for quest •[What it should do] Quest should flag as being able to complete
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    BUG Quest: Striking Back (ID: 26094)

    [Name, Type] Striking Back, Quest •[What it does] Cannot enter plane to do bombing, just get message 'You are too far away from the Taxi Stand!' •[What it should do] Enter plane, takes of and enable you to drop bombs on the Iron Dwarfs
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    BUG Quest: Extinguish the Fires (ID: 26078)

    [Name, Type] Extinguish the Fires, quest •[What it does] Use the firefighting equipment to extinguish the fires at Ironforge Airfield •[What it should do] Most of the fires you use the equipment one do not go out or acknowledge for the quest. Only one plane on the SW part of the airfield the...
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    BUG Quest Feeling Crabby?

    Cooking daily in Stormwind. Cannot pick up the Canal Crabs, can only kill them.
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    Quest: Aiding the Injured (ID: 26970)

    [Name, Type] Aiding the Injured, Quest (priest specific quest) - Draenei starting zone - Crash Site •[What it does] Meant to be able to flash heal injured Draenei on mats, but there are none to heal •[What it should do] Be able to cast Flash Heal on 5 injured Draenei, then complete quest *...
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    Quest 25841: Strike from above

    Dun Morogh. Using the signal flare at the two locations does not complete the objective. Checked a youtube video to check I was in the right place.
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    Cooking/Fishing dailies in UC and TB

    Howdy The NCPs which should offer daily cooking/fishing quests in Undercity and Thunder Bluff do not offer any quests.
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    Quest 12007: Sacrifices Must be Made

    I have the quest items (Zim'bo's Mojo and Eye of the Prophets), however when you use Drakuru's Elixir at the brazier it says 'You have no target'. I notice that the brazier is called 'TEMP Drakuru's Brazier'
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    Quest 24868: Surrender or Else!

    Goblin start zone. NPC briefly appears after travelling to location with guide, then takes off into the air. Quest does not complete, and cannot kill NPC. NPC is Faceless of the deep (
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    Quest: 26226 - Crawfish Creole (Orgrimmar cooking daily)

    Hi There only seems to be three spawnpoints for the Muddy Crawfish (ID: 42538), however there should be lots more. You need 10 to do the quest, so need to wait out several respawns to complete.
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    Quest 12176 - A minor substitution

    No drops of Grizzly Hide from the bears (doesn't even show when you mouse over that it is possible), despite showing the right location on map.
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    Quest: 11991 - Subject to Interpretation

    Even though trolls are flagged 'red', you cannot attack them to obtain the Frozen Mojo required.
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    Waterlogged Recipe

    The item should start a quest, but clicking on it does nothing. Obtained from fishing quest reward bag in Dalaran