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    Orgrimmar cooking daily - Even Thieves Get Hungry

    Hi. For the quest, no thieves appear around the supply crates
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    Quests to Dalaran

    Quest: Friends in Dalaran (obtained from Warsong Hold) - Flight master does not offer flight after accepting quest and Quest: The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran (obtained from Conquest Hold, Venomspite, etc) - Accept quest and get the ring, but cannot talk again to NPC to be teleported to Dalaran
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    Dalaran daily fishing - Blood is Thicker

    Hi When you kill creatures (rhino, mammoth, etc) you don't get the 3 min debuff to be able to create the blood area in the water to fish in.
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    Daily quest rewarrds - Dalaran

    Seem to be getting 1 honor for JC daily and cooking daily. Also I created some cooking awards, but they can't be used to buy recipes. Vendor says 'you don't have the required items' Edit: Same applies to daily cooking in Orgrimmar, and probably other cities.
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    Crystalsong Forest, Vioilet Stand. Teleporter to Dalaran not working.

    Says it cannot be used until someone had teleported down from Dalaran, however have had two chars teleport down.
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    Howling Fjord - Gondolas - Ancient Lift to Kamagua

    Hi Although the wheels are turning there are no Gondolas running
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    Quest ID 24628 Preparations

    Hi For this quest (in the Worgen start zone), you have to pick Moonleaf. The character goes through the motions to pick the Moonleaf, but nothing goes into your bag.