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    BUG Quest: Just Following Orders (Sholazar Basin)

    [Name, Type] Just Following Orders, quest •[What it does] Locating the injured Rainspeaker Oracle does not flag quest ready to hand in •[What it should do] Should be able to complete quest once Rainspeaker Oracle is found
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    BUG Quest: Rallying the Defenders (Ironforge Airfield)

    [Name, Type] Rallying the Defenders, quest •[What it does] Every time you plant a banner, you get rooted with it and have to wait for it to disappear to move •[What it should do] Should be able to move straight to other snow mound to plant another banner
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    BUG Quest: Breaking Waves of Change (Darnassus)

    [Name, Type] Breaking Waves of Change, quest •[What it does] Speak to Vesprystus at Rut'theran village, but he does not offer flight to Lor'danel •[What it should do] He should offer Hippograph flight to Lor'danel
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    BUG Quest: Peace At Last (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Peace At Last, quest •[What it does] Unable to lay wreath at Hyal Family Monument (sparkling gravestone), text comes up 'Requires Hyal Family Monument' •[What it should do] Should be able to lay the wreath at the gravestone/monument.
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    BUG Quest: The Derserters (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] The Derserters, quest •[What it does] During fight with Balos Jacken, he regained health a number of times and shouted out something about surrendering, but remained aggressive. Killed him and after respawn Balos was friendly and allowed the quest to be completed •[What it should...
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    BUG Quest: Take Down Tethyr! (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Take Down Tethyr!, quest •[What it does] Auto completes •[What it should do] Presume it needs scripting
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    BUG Quest: Nat's Bargain (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Nat's Bargain, quest •[What it does] Smeared the fish paste and went into the cove and around the cove, but no shark •[What it should do] Shark should appear for player to kill
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    BUG Quest: Recover the Cargo (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Recover the Cargo, quest •[What it does] Can see Shipwreck Debris around Alcaz Island, however cannot target it to use the Salvage Kit on •[What it should do] Should be able to use the Salvage Kit on the target Shipwreck Debris
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    BUG Quest: Secondhand Diving Gear (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Secondhand Diving Gear, quest •[What it does] Looted the Tool Kit ok, but no box containing Damaged Diving Gear •[What it should do] According to wowhead the box should be near the damaged boat on the West side of the island
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    BUG Quest: Survey Alcaz Island (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Survey Alcaz Island, quest •[What it does] Speaking to Cassa Crimsonwing, she does not offer use of Gryphon to survey Alcaz Island •[What it should do] Should offer Gryphon and survey Alcaz Island
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    BUG Quest: Defias in Dustwallow? (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Defias in Dustwallow?, quest •[What it does] NPC Garn Mathers does not exist. Can see the entry in creature_template, but does not appear to spawn anywhere •[What it should do] Garn Mathers should appear on one of the islands North of Thermore Isle
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    BUG Quest: Raptor Captor (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Raptor Captor, quest •[What it does] Using the Sturdy Rope on weak raptor, it seems to do the action, but get no credit for it •[What it should do] Should flag as captured
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    BUG Quest: Cleansing Witch Hill (Dustwallow Marsh)

    [Name, Type] Cleansing Witch Hill, quest •[What it does] Using the Witchbane Torch all around the Swamplight Manor dock but all I get back is 'Requires Swamplight Manor Dock' •[What it should do] Should place the torch at the end of the dock and summon the bat creature
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    BUG Quest: The End of the Deserters (Dustwallow Marsh, Alliance)

    [Name, Type] The End of the Deserters, Quest •[What it does] Attacking Gavis Greyshield, he turns green when at about 25% but carries on attacking, so you have to kill him. Quest completes OK though. •[What it should do] Gavis Greyshield should stop attacking when he surrenders
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    BUG Quest: Traitors Among Us (Dustwallow Marsh, Alliance)

    [Name, Type] Traitors Among Us, Quest •[What it does] Should be able to talk with Deserter Agitators and expose them •[What it should do] Talking with Deserter Agitators doesn't engage in conversation and does not flag as exposed
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    BUG Quest: Rerouted! (Desolace, Alliance)

    [Name, Type] Rerouted!, Quest •[What it does] Only mount available is a Dragonhawk, which takes you to the Horde's Furien's Post, where you immediately get attacked by the Horde NPCs. Should not even see that mount? •[What it should do] The should be a Gryphon which once mounted should go to...
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    BUG Quest: The Mosh'Ogg Bounty (N. Stranglethorn - Alliance)

    [Name, Type] The Mosh'Ogg Bounty, Quest / Item •[What it does] Character has the captured Mosh'Ogg Item in backpack, but quest giver shows grey ? and will not accept it. Clicking on the quest shows 1/1 (Complete) •[What it should do] Should be able to complete quest with item in backpack.
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    BUG Item: Bruiseweed

    [Name, Type] Bruiseweed, Item •[What it does] Mainly noticed this in Strangletorn and Arathi, but most of the Bruiseweed is already in use •[What it should do] Herbalists should be able to pick it
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    BUG Item: Fadeleaf

    [Name, Type] Fadeleaf, Item •[What it does] Picking loots Fadeleaf, Copper Ore and Rough Stone •[What it should do] Should only loot Fadeleaf
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    BUG Item: Silverleaf (Dun Morogh)

    [Name, Type] Silverleaf, Item •[What it does] When picked, gives Peacebloom •[What it should do] Give Silverleaf herb