Search results

  1. ExO

    [v12] Throne of the Four Winds - Environment Disappearing

    Very weird, works perfect on my local build. Try to restart server, create a new character and re-test. Maybe with one more player as well.
  2. ExO

    V13 Throne of the Four Winds

    @vu159, How is it worse than V12? I don't understand. The wind tunnels now work, and you can actually get pass the raid now, meaning it's complete-able. Very weird, works well on my local build. Try to restart server, create a new character and re-test. Maybe with one more player as well.
  3. ExO

    V13 - Evacuate the Merchant Square - Quest ID 14098

    Interesting. Glad it works as expected now. Did you make any changes on your previous one?
  4. ExO

    V13 Skitterweb Menace

    Strange. I'll have a look again in a couple of/few days. Meanwhile, can you clear your wow cache folder? (Just to make sure that's not why)
  5. ExO

    Emucoach Cataclysm Repack - NEW VERSION! (V13)

    Hello Emucoach'ers, We are excited to announce a new version release of our Cataclysm repack. More particularly, version 13! The version has a lot of important fixes made to it, and it has been built with love and passion! It's crazy (in a good way), to know that we have hit 13 version...
  6. ExO

    - Changelog (13) - VIP (Old VIP RELEASE!)

    This includes the changelog for VIP 13 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold. You can obtain access for just 16.95$ by clicking here. Changelog (Note, this is from version 13 - VIP version) Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:
  7. ExO

    Major bug

    I could not reproduce. Maybe fixed in V13.
  8. ExO

    Major bug

    Can you give me the steps to reproduce? Which NPC are you talking to, to get the ship? :)
  9. ExO

    Major bug

    Second issue is fixed on V13 (next release). Will look into the first one asap.
  10. ExO

    [CATACLYSM WEBSITE DESIGN] - A Website Design for Cataclysm - PSD

    Hello! This release serves you with a PSD file of a pretty (in my opinion) well looking Cataclysm website design. Please note that only the .PSD file is included. The website is yet to be coded. DOWNLOAD: Hidden content Credits to author. The author is however unknown.
  11. ExO

    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    Fixing Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134, on Cataclysm 4.3.4 Today's Cataclysm tutorial explains how to get rid of the frustrating Cannot stream required archive data, and in other cases, you might experience WoW Error 134, for Cataclysm 4.3.4 Why does the Cannot stream...
  12. ExO

    V12 Crash

    Unfortunately the crashlog is not helpful without being compiled with debug mode (which it isn't atm), unless you know how to reproduce the crash?
  13. ExO

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    A lot of people have been asking around on the forum, if there were any *good* 7.3.5 Legion repacks I could recommend. There were none, until now. This repack serves you with a high quality Legion repack, running on patch 7.3.5. It is for certain, the highest quality in Legion, that you will...
  14. ExO

    The Deadmines ( 2 Boss )

    Thanks for the report, I already have a fix in mind. I’ll get to it when my current ToDo’s are finished :)
  15. ExO

    [v12] Throne of the Four Winds - Environment Disappearing

    Hm. It must have been two different issues then. I was refering to when you entered TotFW where you would risk falling out. Never the less, I will note it in my todo list :)
  16. ExO

    - Changelog (12) - VIP Regular (OLD VIP RELEASE!)

    This includes the changelog for VIP 12 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold. You can obtain access for just 16.95$ by clicking here. Changelog (Note, this is from version 12. Version 11 fixes are also included in this version, but the fixes from v11 is not listed here, so there are...
  17. ExO

    [Free] Quality FusionCMS Theme - Armageddon - Custom Coded Design

    Hi everyone. This release serves you with a unique, custom coded FusionCMS web-design. It's a perfect fit for private server owners (big and small) who are looking for a new Web-design. The custom FusionCMS theme is already coded and designed. It's fully ready to be used. Download the...
  18. ExO

    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars This guide shows you the exact steps to save your characters and accounts from a previous version of Emucoach Cataclysm Repack, for example the free version or an older VIP version, to the newest offered VIP...
  19. ExO

    [BUG] Feed of Evil - Quest ID: 14461

    Hi, this is fixed on latest emucoach repack coming soon (v11) :), along with many other issues fixed
  20. ExO

    10.1: Bug + Fixe quest 28314 & 28315 (Burning Steppes)

    I will try to check why the npc doesn't spawn and fix it the blizz way first before adjusting the quest giver :) Will keep you updated