Search results

  1. ExO

    v10(1) - [Quest] Riding On

    Hm strange, tested it without issues. Will try again today. Otherwise it must have gotten fixed after V10.1 :)
  2. ExO

    Cataclysm V10 and MOP v.1 - Release Information(?)

    Hi guys, Addressing the topics: - Cataclysm - V.10 release (VIP) - MOP - V.1 release The Cataclysm, V.10 (VIP) was set to be released during christmas, But unfortunately some bugs have appeared that I want to fix before releasing to make the version v.10 really worth it! This means that it...
  3. ExO

    To the Rescue (Ashenvale) v 9.1 (Cata)

    Crash is fixed in v10. Todo, fix the quest as well.
  4. ExO

    [Password Reset] I Lost my Password?! What to do? - TUTORIAL

    This explains what you should do, if you lost your Password to Emucoach and cannot login. UPDATED: You can now use the retrieve password feature, which will result in a direct link after a minute. Upon attempting to login, you will see a "Forgot password" option. Click on this and follow the...
  5. ExO

    - Changelog (9.1) - VIP Regular (OLD VIP RELEASE!)

    This includes the changelog for VIP 9.1 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold. You can obtain access for just 16.95$ by clicking here. Changelog (Note, this is from version 9 -> 9.1, not 8.1 to 9.1, you may find a changelog from 8.1 to 9.0 below): 9.0 Changelog This time the...
  6. ExO

    Mist of Pandaria REPACK, 5.4.8 News [27-07-2018]

    Dear Emucoach Users, The day’s 27th of July. A new Mist of Pandaria repack update is in place. You heard right! Today, Artamedes and I have some new features to show, some new information and we’re happy to tell you that we’re much closer to an actual release of the MOP repack. More...
  7. ExO

    [Linux] collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed] - TrinityCore Fix

    Linux compile, eg on TrinityCore. In case you receive this error: [100%] Linking CXX executable worldserver collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed] compilation terminated. src/server/worldserver/CMakeFiles/worldserver.dir/build.make:290: recipe for target...
  8. ExO

    - Changelog (9.0) - VIP Gold

    - A VIP Gold release, will release as regular VIP in 2 weeks. - You can access it here: Changelog (Not all the fixes are included here, so more will be posted upon download release): - 27737 "Risen Zombie", not supposed to give xp at kill. (Fixed) - Fixed...
  9. ExO

    [Linux] Use a Worldserver restart for your WoW Private Server

    Another Linux guide. This one shows you how to setup an automatic worldserver restarter for your wow private server. This means that your Linux server will automatically restart upon crashes / server restarts. 1) Create a file called eg. Insert the following in the file...
  10. ExO

    [Linux] How to start a screen session - WoW Server

    This tutorial is for Linux only. Ubuntu, debian etc. Using screen can be useful so the server can stay up, even though you close the terminal. 1) Open the terminal and type "cd (your-bin-release-path)" 2) You are now in the server folder. Type the following: screen -s authserver...
  11. ExO

    [REPACK POLL] - Which PATCH? Need your VOTE!

    Emucoach has and will still have it's main focus on Cataclysm. BUT! We need your vote... Keep reading! ________________________________________ Another patch? More and more of you guys are also becoming interested in other projects. Not because Cataclysm is bad, but because you like to...
  12. ExO

    [EmuCoach TUTORIAL] How to Donate on the forum. Order VIP.

    A small guide to those who are unsure how to donate. - You can donate to either VIP Regular (1 year, or lifetime) / VIP Gold Lifetime. Read more information about this here - Now if you've decided that you would like to donate and have chosen between VIP Regular / VIP GOLD, you can follow...
  13. ExO

    Upgrading to VIP / VIP Gold. Benefits & Information.

    This is the FAQ for VIP / VIP GOLD - Account Upgrades. How much does it cost to upgrade? VIP Regular - 1 year: €18,95 VIP Gold - Lifetime: €44.95 _________________________________________________________________________________ What are the benefits of upgrading to VIP or VIP Gold? - You can...
  14. ExO

    Server Issues

    Hi! Edit as of March 3, 2018 at 4:19PM by Mr. Satan: It appears that most of the issues we've recently experienced have been fixed! Custom avatars are not loading in, and we're not sure why this happened. Sadly, in order to have a custom avatar again, you will have to re-upload your avatar...
  15. ExO

    4.3.4 - One million views? [WHEN?], GUESS!

    It has been such a big journey for the forum and the 4.3.4 repack project. So many posts and views if you think about it. Emucoach Repack - Views: 848 675 When do you think we will reach 1 million views on it? I personally think it will...
  16. ExO

    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack - Fake Player System (DYNAMIC!) - How to SETUP

    The Dynamic Fake Player system is currently running on version 11 of the Emucoach repack, cataclysm (VIP) - if you enable it. The free version does not contain the Fake Player System so if you want that, you'll have to donate. By donating there are many advantages. A lot of unique releases...
  17. ExO

    NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4

    NPCBots are currently running on version 8.1 of the Emucoach repack, cataclysm (VIP), and above. The free version does not contain Playerbots so if you want playerbots/single player playing with dungeons, bgs etc, you'll have to donate. By donating there are many advantages. A lot of unique...
  18. ExO

    Best Bulletproof Hosting, DMCA Ignored, Anonymous Hosting. Domains, Webhosts, VPS etc

    A recommended list of Bulletproof hosting, DMCA Ignored hosting and Anonymouys hosting. Thread will be updated here on Emucoach as we go. If you know some recommended hosts or you own one yourself, feel free to post below that you think I should update the list with hosting company XX. What...
  19. ExO

    Bulletproof/Privacy/Anonymous hosting, would you like a potential list? Interesting?

    Hi guys. I am not afraid to say that I am a person who is very interested in the infrastructure of hosting. I am going in for freedom of speech and privacy myself, as well as bulletproof (regarding certain content), that I believe has a right to stay online. I'm interested in hearing how many...
  20. ExO

    Bitcoin Investment?

    I'm curious. Do you invest in Bitcoin, and what is your opinion/thought about it? Personally I do not invest in Bitcoin. I'm really skeptical about it because I don't like investing in things that are already hyped (bitcoin particularly). What's your opinion? Do you invest in it?