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  1. ExO

    EmuCoach 4.3.4 Repack, Fake players system/Sort of Playerbots (in progress)

    Today, I would like to show you a new video about a new feature, which will be included in the VIP repack as of first, and in the future, the free repack as well. It is a fake player system, and logic of playerbots. See it for yourself here: - A...
  2. ExO

    New Forum (ToDo)

    This thread will store a list of things that need to get done to improve the theme. - Reduce white color of polls, and change text size of it (in polls) - Post your suggestions in this thread!
  3. ExO

    [VOTE HERE] Should Emucoach change theme?

    Title explains. Have the possibility to have influence on the Emucoach look. Should Emucoach change / update the theme, or keep it as it is now?
  4. ExO

    December updates! Emucoach now uses HTTPS

    Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce the newest updates for december. Emucoach has now gotten a SSL encryption which means that it now uses HTTPS. This will result in information being particularly encrypted frontwise (passwords etc), most likely faster loading, more secure website and a...
  5. ExO

    - Changelog 8.0 (Next VIP)

    Version 8 (VIP) will release around ~~ november This is only a (tiny) amount of our updates, we have around 14 pages of updates more!: Fixed Quest: [Bring me the egg!] Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added Jimmy's Horse. Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added the...
  6. ExO

    EmuCoach Repack [7.0 (2)] Release!

    The version 7.0 [2] of the EmuCoach Repack, 4.3.4 Cataclysm has just been released! It contains a lot more fixes, and a lot more stability, and many of the previous major issues are fixed. I'll post a full changelog asap for those, who are interested. The repack version accessable by VIP's...
  7. ExO

    Changelog 7.1 (Next VIP version)

    Changelog: Stonetalon Mountains Zone - Fixed Quest: [Schemin' That Sabotage] - Fixed Quest: [Save The Children] - Fixed Quest: [Thal'darah's Vengeance] Desolace Zone Alliance - Quests: - Fixed Quest: [Help for Desolace]: Fixed spawn of creature: Officer Jankie - Fixed Quest: [Elune's Gift] -...
  8. ExO

    New Host, Recent Downtime?!

    Hey guys, a new update. I'm glad to announce that Emucoach has switched hosting. The forum is up and running pretty well, but may take up to 24 hours to work properly as we did quite a lot of changes as well (DNS update usually takes up to 24 hours). I've been looking forward to this host...
  9. ExO

    Merry Christmas! (VIP DISCOUNT)

    Hi everyone, and merry Christmas! I hope you will all have a wonderful day and evening. As a small gift, the VIP prices are reduced slightly: 1 Year: $10.95 instead of $14.95 Lifetime: $12.95 instead of $21.95 Can be bought by clicking here Best Regards, ExO.
  10. ExO

    - Changelog 7.0 (OLD VIP Version)

    ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE: Will be released at saturday, 25th March. This is the update list for the upcoming VIP version, 7.0:
  11. ExO

    December events - awards, gifts, awards - special - grant it before its too late!

    A hidden posting award is implemented until 8th December. There will be a few of these opportunities, awards and games in December (It is afterall the christmas and new year month) These gifts, awards etc will be limited and will only be available to grant this month. Grant it before it's too...
  12. ExO


    It's time for a new update. A december update. - A big forum update. We had an urgent bug where you wouldn't be able to edit your post (it would go into blank page on the editor, so you would have to rewrite) We finally managed to fix this and improve it, so it runs even faster. - A hidden...
  13. ExO | Offshore Web Hosting | DDoS Protection | High Quality & Fast Delivery | Offshore Web Hosting | DDoS Protection | High Quality & Fast Delivery
  14. ExO

    EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4 - Version 6 is on the way! (Regular use)

    You heard right! EmuCoach Repack, Version 6 is on the way, being released for free. Massive improvements and fixes, new features, and a whole new movement system which will improve everything slightly. We have also updated the Repack name from Deathwing's Madness to REVELATION, a new...
  15. ExO

    EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4 - Version 6.2 Has Just Been Released!

    New version of the repack has been released to the VIPS! If you don't have VIP, you can purchase access here: - If you would generally like to either see the changelog of version 6.2 (that has just been released) or you are unsure if it's worth upgrading...
  16. ExO

    - Changelog 6.3 (Old VIP Version)

    ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE: 28 October, 2016. NEW: N/A, SOMEWHERE IN NOVEMBER. SORRY FOR THE CONVIENCE - issues occured. This is the update list for the upcoming VIP version, 6.3: - Made some loot fixing and creature texts for some entries at the lower levels. - Over 1700 of lines dedicated to...
  17. ExO

    - Changelog 6.2 (Old VIP)

    ​This is the update list of the current VIP version, 6.2: - Fixed Runescroll of Fortitude 2 - Fixed Training Druid in Worgen Zone - Fixed a Gilneas Gate Issue - Fixed Loot of Tzerak - Fixed: Quest: Looks like a Tauren To Me (STV) - Fixed a lot of random issues in STV, it needed it. Still some...
  18. ExO

    WHAT HAPPENED? - Explaination

    While this was luckily a very short downtime considering the certain stances, I'm sure some of you noticed. EmuCoach was acting up, nothing was showing up (posts, etc), and was inaccessible for a limited time as I locked the forum until I could figure out the situation. We are now running on a...
  19. ExO

    How did you get into WoW Emulation?

    So I just thought of this thread recently, and thought it could be entertaining to hear. How did you find out, and get into WoW Emulation? I personally (back in like end 2011 - I was young/younger back then!), had this talk with a friend that we should go and create a 255 funserver (we had no...
  20. ExO

    Mr. Robot [TV Show]

    I am curious to know if I'm the only one here who's following the show, "Mr. Robot" For those who doesn't know about the show, taken from imdb: "Mr. Robot follows Elliot, a young programmer who works as a cyber-security engineer by day and a vigilante hacker by night. Elliot finds himself at a...