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  1. ExO

    Count to 1000...

  2. ExO

    New Legion Server install

    I've seen it happen for a few people, so no worries. Do you have an error again, like on the previous case?
  3. ExO

    New Forum Software/Design

    Glad to hear! That's exactly what we tried to achieve :)
  4. ExO

    New Legion Server install

    Are you certain that the folder gt is created and set in the Release folder, and that the files. eg. ChallengeModeHealth.txt are right next to it? I often see that they're in a subfolder. Eg. Release/gt/gt/ChallengeModeHealth.txt. Whereas, it should be: Release/gt/ChallengeModeHealth.txt
  5. ExO

    V13 - Rogue Stealth BUG

    Not yet, it hasn't been released just yet.
  6. ExO

    Death Knight starting zone V13 (Critical)

    Try on V13.1 please. Should be heavily improved. Still need to fix emotes, texts & restrictions though.
  7. ExO

    Death Knight starting zone V13 (Critical)

    I doubt that V13 caused it. Seems to me like it has never been scripted.
  8. ExO

    v13 The Thunderspike Quest (server issue)

    Fixed for V13.1
  9. ExO

    V13 - Rogue Stealth BUG

    Fixed in V13.1
  10. ExO

    V13 List of bug reports.

    Incorrect, the object is spawned correctly. I'm guessing you were at the wrong place. Working as intended.
  11. ExO

    Version 5.4 Core Warmane Source - MOP Outdated

    I wouldn't recommend trying to make it work ingame, I'm pretty sure it's incompatible. You'd have to merge stuff over directly from the sources.
  12. ExO

    V13 - Dungeon Grim Batol Heroic - Erudax

    Moved to fixed. Thanks to Damien
  13. ExO

    V13 - Dungeon Lost City of the Tol'vir Heroic

    Moved to fixed, thanks to damien
  14. ExO

    V13 Lost City of the Tol'Vir Fixes

    Applied to the next repack version, thanks!
  15. ExO

    Count to 1000...

  16. ExO

    Count to 1000...

  17. ExO

    New Forum Software/Design

    You mean the page that displayed newest posts in a more detailed way, or?
  18. ExO

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    This repack has no association with what-ever project you mentioned, and they did no work on this repack, at all. The people/projects that deserved credits for this repack already got it (TrinityCore and Uwow). This is a free repack-release, there's no payment on this.
  19. ExO

    Darkmoon Faire (Missing location) V12

    Confirmed for Goldshire. Seems to work for Tauren though
  20. ExO

    pet assist and pet defensive V12

    Please re-test on V13.1, seems to be fixed sometimes, and at other occasions not fully.