Search results

  1. ExO

    How do I shut down the server properly?

    Yeah, Ctrl C is fine to use. Or .server restart X
  2. ExO

    Where can I see the list of all server's accounts?

    In the auth database, and the table called accounts :)
  3. ExO

    Count to 1000...

  4. ExO

    I need the 434 client

    4.3.4 Cataclysm Client Or /
  5. ExO

    New Legion Server install

    Hmm, Can you check if your Memory (ram) exceeds 100% while you open the Worldserver? It feels like it runs out of resources or so.
  6. ExO

    Latent Disease Quest V13

    Hackfixed. It adds the item to the player instead now. There was an issue with looting the object after fixing that part. Something with the flag. Needs more investigation, so I added a temp fix meanwhile in V13.1
  7. ExO

    4.3.4 V13 Mail System broken

    Works fine for me too. Remember it takes 1 hour to send, if it's not your own account.
  8. ExO

    [V12] Aroom's farewell

    Fixed on V13.1
  9. ExO

    V12 Quest- The Eye of All Storms - ID: 13588

    Should be improved on V13.1. The spike camera is still an issue though. Needs some smooth waypoint rework I believe. Moving to fixed as the main issue should be fixed now, and the quest should be do-able. Let me know if any issues on V13.1
  10. ExO

    V12 Quest- The Eye of All Storms - ID: 13588

    Confirmed. As I see it, there are two issues: 1) The camera sight being chaotic. 2) The sudden fall & die.
  11. ExO

    NEED FEEDBACK - V13 Death on Lost Isle falling through world

    Can't reproduce. Please link a video of this happening, so I can see the exact steps.
  12. ExO

    The Trek Continues V13

    Can't confirm/reproduce. It works well for me. When I press the option, I get into a vehicle that runs. Make sure you have .gm off I guess.
  13. ExO

    V13 Quest Bug - When science attacks

    Fixed on V13.1
  14. ExO

    V13 Quest Bug - When science attacks

    The Lab Fires part seems to work, but the other part does not.
  15. ExO

    Count to 1000...

  16. ExO

    v11 (hottfixed) orgrimmar grunt direction bug

    Can you give an example of the directions that don't work? Will try to reproduce the issue.
  17. ExO

    Count to 1000...
