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V13 List of bug reports.


Verified Member

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] A flawless plan
    [Problem Description] You should place the explosives on the altar, but no altar is spawned to place it by.
    [How it should work] Should be a altar spawned inside cave.

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Bitter departure
    [Problem Description] Escort quest, but the escort is to fast and ignores all mobs and glides away from you (As a corpse too)
    [How it should work] Guess like most if not all escort quests, move along and fight your way out of the cave

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Changing the winds course
    [Problem Description] You should timetravel and do the quest, but it dosnt do that. You dont timetravel and dont possess stormhoof so to speak.
    [How it should work] Take the hammer again, head to the Temple of Life in the plains to the northwest. Use the hammer to assume the role of Stormhoof.

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Cold Hearted
    [Problem Description] After saving 4 prisoners while mounted on dragon, it scrips and takes you home flying, but only half way, after that you get dismounted and hurled forward in great speek hitting ground for about 10k damage. And failing delivery of resqued prisoners.
    [How it should work] You should fly all the way and deliver the resqued prisoners before dismounting.

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Data mining
    [Problem Description] Dosent seem to be able to data mine the data clusters.
    [How it should work] Should get a quest progress on datamining.

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Mount Hyjal, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Lycanthoth the Corruptor
    [Problem Description] After killing lycanthoth the spirit of Lo'Gosh dosent spawn to be able to return quest
    [How it should work] after death spirit of Lo'Gosh should spawn

  • [Location, Faction, Race] The culling of Stratholme, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Dispelling Illusions
    [Problem Description] After dispelling 5 as quest indikates, quest dosent update to done. Thus cant turn in quest.
    [How it should work] After dispelling and found 5 quest should complete and make turnin possible.

  • [Location, Faction, Race] Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] Escape from Durnholde (NON HEROIC)
    [Problem Description] Trall stops outside when battle with the knight is about to start. ON HEROIC it works.
    [How it should work] Should be a combat and quest work forward as intended (As in HEROIC version)


  • [Location, Faction, Race] Storm Peaks, Horde, Blood Elf
    [Name, Type] A flawless plan
    [Problem Description] You should place the explosives on the altar, but no altar is spawned to place it by.
    [How it should work] Should be a altar spawned inside cave.

Incorrect, the object is spawned correctly. I'm guessing you were at the wrong place.
Working as intended.