Search results

  1. ExO

    Mission: While Hyjal Burns. (V13.1)

    As Hyjal Burns is fixed properly now.
  2. ExO

    v11 Bugged Troll Quest 24814 "An Ancient Enemy"

    Should be complete-able in v14 now
  3. ExO

    Bug quest the day that deathwing came, What really happened. 7.0

    For v14, I've temporarily set the quest to auto-complete, to avoid the stuck and invisible issue, until the quest is properly fixed.
  4. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    For v14, I've temporarily set the quest to auto-complete, to avoid the stuck and invisible issue, until the quest is properly fixed.
  5. ExO

    The Day that Deathwing Came | Quest | V13.1

    For v14, I've temporarily set the quest to auto-complete, to avoid the stuck and invisible issue, until the quest is properly fixed.
  6. ExO

    V13 - Bug quest - Invisible issue - the day that deathwing came, What really happened

    For v14, I've temporarily set the quest to auto-complete, to avoid the stuck and invisible issue, until the quest is properly fixed.
  7. ExO

    Npc Noblegarden V13

    fixed in v14
  8. ExO

    Bug DKs (v13.1)

    Should be fixed in v14
  9. ExO

    Tribute to the deceased (v13.1)

    fixed in v14
  10. ExO

    Wetter Than Wet | Quest | V13.1

    Fixed in v14
  11. ExO

    While You're Here | Quest | V13.1

    Fixed v14
  12. ExO

    Ghost-o-plasm Round Up | Quest | V13.1

    Should be fixed on v14
  13. ExO

    Bombs Away (v13.1)

    Thank you @Mazi! Moving to fixeed
  14. ExO

    An-Ancient-Enemy (v13.1)

    Thanks @Mazi! Moving to fixed
  15. ExO

    The Chain of the Demon (v13.1)

    Thank you @Mazi. Moved to fixed :)
  16. ExO

    Just a fancy cockroach

    Fixed on v14
  17. ExO

    [INVALID] Do the honors

    Tested and working correctly. You are at the wrong spot/position of it.
  18. ExO


    Fixed on v14
  19. ExO

    Quest bug

    Fixed, thank you in V14
  20. ExO

    Quest: Hellscream's Legacy

    Should be fixed on V14