Search results

  1. ExO

    Phoenix WoW (Developing) 4.#.# Progressive

    Best of luck with the server!
  2. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    Great :)
  3. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    I will see if I can reproduce the issue by doing the Deathwing came above quest, and let you know tomorrow or so :)
  4. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    Need more info. No effect after typing it, or what?
  5. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    Yeah thats enough, and then just .unaura all
  6. ExO

    V13 / Character Model change

    You have to type in ingame while targeting your own character.
  7. ExO

    Help make Cata server more "Solo Friendly"

    I'm working on this. So far, here are the features that are added: Let me know if you have suggestions!
  8. ExO

    V13 Silverpine Forest Quest Bugs

  9. ExO

    V13 Hillsbrad Foothills

    Maybe fixed on v13.1. clear cache too. Fixed Should be fixed. Marking as fixed. Feel free to post the remaining issues in a new topic.
  10. ExO

    V13 Hillsbrad Foothills

  11. ExO

    V13 Hillsbrad Foothills

    [Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Muckgill, Quest drop Monster [Problem Description] He has 2 spawns that just stand there. He should be patrolling down the coast along the murloc buildings/coast [How it should work] Should be just one spawn that walks down...
  12. ExO

    V13 resurrecting

    Are you sure it's not just because the bots were in combat?
  13. ExO

    Petmoveto 10.1

    Try in V13.1 plx
  14. ExO

    V10 Bloodmyst Isle Quest : ending their world

    Seems to already be working in V13
  15. ExO

    v10.1 : npc 54142

    Should be fixed in v13.1
  16. ExO

    To Win A War, You Gotta Become War - Quest

    Works fine in V13
  17. ExO

    Pets mechanics

    Already working in V13
  18. ExO

    Shaman - Ancestral Awakening 10.1

    Should already be fixed in v12/v13
  19. ExO

    [v11] Argent Call: The Trial of the Crypt

    Seems fixed already
  20. ExO

    [v11] Guild Experience config Option

    Maybe fixed in V13.1