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  1. ExO

    the server crashes with the teleporter: (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    Please write some of the zones/places that the teleport npc makes you crash. I will try to reproduce.
  2. ExO

    The server crashes with some command (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    It's hard to fix due to lack of development information (stacktrace). But it might be improved/fixed on next version. I might even release a hotfix soon with a possible fix for these crashes, so you can test out, and then you can give me feedback whether it helped or not. Would you like that?
  3. ExO

    Server World.exe crashs 13.1

    It's hard to fix due to lack of development information (stacktrace). But it might be improved/fixed on next version. I might even release a hotfix soon with a possible fix for these crashes, so you can test out, and then you can give me feedback whether it helped or not. Would you like that?
  4. ExO

    invalid license?

    PM Sent. Closing topic :)
  5. ExO

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Yeah, that's a known issue, (regarding the unknown npcs, and nothing being clickable). There is a tutorial (it involves external software though), on how to get it Mac Catalina up and running...
  6. ExO

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    I will try to retrieve the links on my old hard-drive.
  7. ExO

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    It's indeed an issue. The quick answer is that it won't work that easily, unfortunately. Maybe you can find some information as to why - here: It has a section regarding Mac covered. I however managed to get it working on 64 bit...
  8. ExO

    "Allow myself, to introduce....myself"

    Nice introduction! Welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your stay, and that you get the learning experience you strive for!
  9. ExO

    Move/replace license

    A PM has been sent :)
  10. ExO

    Move/replace license

    I will send you a PM with a license when I get home :)
  11. ExO

    Suggestion: Timeline for new repack

    For many, Cataclysm is nostalgia, and there are no other updated Cataclysm repacks around, so many are eager for more Cataclysm updates and fixes :) We have a lite MoP version too, but developing one of the higher expansions is generally a lot of work. Therefore, it’s a bit limited in how much...
  12. ExO

    The Deadmines ( 2 Boss )

    Then you don't have the updated World DB most likely, because it was a partial DB and a partial core fix, if I recall correctly.
  13. ExO

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    In a couple to few days as a hotfix release :)
  14. ExO

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    Fixed the health bug too. Now the only thing left is to scale based on raid group too. Although it's not a must to implement, it'd be a nice feature.
  15. ExO

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    Updates: - Implemented a way to disable/enable the Solocraft as you like. - Fixed the 10 man / 25 man raid difficulty issue: Setting the raid to 10 man, will make the difficulty 10, and therefore not as much health scaling on the players. Setting the raid to 25 man, will make the difficulty 25...
  16. ExO

    Haste Issue | V13.1 Solocraft |

    Please elaborate on how to reproduce the issue. Eg., which enchants are used, etc. Not fully sure if I understand how this happens ^^
  17. ExO

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    It was mainly designed for dungeons. I’ll look into it for raids too though. Thanks for info :)
  18. ExO


    Hello Everken, and welcome around! I hope you will enjoy your stay :)
  19. ExO


    Hello and welcome!
  20. ExO

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    If you would like to play on a solo/single player / fun Cataclysm repack, with adjusted experience, we now offer one! A ton of custom scripts, adjusted features & settings that fits perfect for either fun experience, or for a solo player feeling. Some of the features: - NPCBots - RDF (LFG) is...