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V13 Hillsbrad Foothills


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[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Glorious Harvest, Quest
[Problem Description] This quest is doable but very time consuming. Half the bears don't spawn with infested eggs and those that do have very little. The eggs can also only be harvested when the bears are alive. The spiders in the area are also hostile.
[How it should work] Bears should have way more eggs on them. Also appears there should be dead bears with harvest able eggs and that the spiders should be friendly from quest video. Glorious Harvest Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Coastal Delicacies, Quest
[Problem Description] Spider does not eat any of the murlocs making the quest impossible to complete.
[How it should work] Spider should eat murlocs that you kill. Coastal Delicacies Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Muckgill, Quest drop Monster
[Problem Description] He has 2 spawns that just stand there. He should be patrolling down the coast along the murloc buildings/coast
[How it should work] Should be just one spawn that walks down the coast. (Same area the Coastal Delicacies Quest takes place at)

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Do the Right Thing, Quest
[Problem Description] Quest atm has no way to turn in. Its supposed to be a UI popup when you've met the requirements.
[How it should work] Save 15 human seedlings and a UI popup should let you turn it in. Do the Right Thing Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Do it for Twinkles, Quest
[Problem Description] The monster you're supposed to kill has 10x the life its supposed to along with being classified as a boss. Is basically impossible to kill at the appropriate level.
[How it should work] Should be level 20 (set as level 85 in DB!) with 1094 max health according to the gameplay video. I should also mention 2 npcs join you in the fights here. Do it for Twinkles Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Burnside Must Fall, Quest
[Problem Description] NPC Quest Giver does not spawn so quest cannot be taken. I used GM commands to spawn him and he gives the quest. However he does not join the player in the fight and Magistrate Burnside never fights you properly.
[How it should work] NPC should be spawned after completing the prior quests (Do it for Twinkles) and join you in fight Magistrate Burnside. See Video Burnside Must Fall Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] A Blight Upon This Land, Quest
[Problem Description] Quest is completely non functional. Master Apothecary Lyndon should follow you where theres a whole confrontation with Warden Stillwater.
[How it should work] See Video A Blight Upon the Land Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Angry Scrubbing Bubbles, Quest
[Problem Description] Quest is supposed to be triggered by killing an Angry Blight Slime. Currently does not trigger at all.
[How it should work] Kill Blight Slim and get quest. Angry Scrubbing Bubbles Quest Video

I'll update this post as I go through Hillsbrad Foothills :)
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[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Muckgill, Quest drop Monster
[Problem Description] He has 2 spawns that just stand there. He should be patrolling down the coast along the murloc buildings/coast
[How it should work] Should be just one spawn that walks down the coast. (Same area the Coastal Delicacies Quest takes place at)

Should be fixed


[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Do the Right Thing, Quest
[Problem Description] Quest atm has no way to turn in. Its supposed to be a UI popup when you've met the requirements.
[How it should work] Save 15 human seedlings and a UI popup should let you turn it in. Do the Right Thing Quest Video
Maybe fixed on v13.1. clear cache too.

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Do it for Twinkles, Quest
[Problem Description] The monster you're supposed to kill has 10x the life its supposed to along with being classified as a boss. Is basically impossible to kill at the appropriate level.
[How it should work] Should be level 20 (set as level 85 in DB!) with 1094 max health according to the gameplay video. I should also mention 2 npcs join you in the fights here. Do it for Twinkles Quest Video

[Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead
[Name, Type] Angry Scrubbing Bubbles, Quest
[Problem Description] Quest is supposed to be triggered by killing an Angry Blight Slime. Currently does not trigger at all.
[How it should work] Kill Blight Slim and get quest. Angry Scrubbing Bubbles Quest Video
Should be fixed.

Marking as fixed. Feel free to post the remaining issues in a new topic.
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