Veteran Member
- 35
- 2020
- 19
- Location
- Netherlands
- [Location, Faction, Race]
- Stonetalon Mountains 1921.75, -325.038, 118.249) - Alliance - Male Night Elf Hunter.
- [Name, Type]
- Hellscream's Legacy - Quest(25616) - Quest starter/ender: Huntress Jalin(34354)
- Hellscream's Legacy - Quest(25616) - Quest starter/ender: Huntress Jalin(34354)
- [Problem Description]
- The player can engage the Oil Canisters posistioned on the backs of the Krom'gar Incinerators but once 'killed' the canisters will just hang in the air and despawn over time.
- Oil Canisters:
Display ID: 29190
Entry: 34346
- Oil Canisters:
- The player can engage the Oil Canisters posistioned on the backs of the Krom'gar Incinerators but once 'killed' the canisters will just hang in the air and despawn over time.
- [How it should work]
- The player should still kill the Oil Canisters but as a result the Krom'gar Incinerators should get a debuff(I can't seem to find it in the DBC, possibly use another fire related spell that could kill the Krom'gar Incinerator?) that kills them over time.
- YouTube Link