Search results

  1. ExO

    [v11] As Hyjal Burns

    Already fixed on v14
  2. ExO

    V12 Dragon Soul--Spine of Deathwing

    Fixed in V14
  3. ExO

    Wetlands : Slabchisels Survey NPC Brisket V13

    Moving to fixed, fixed in v14
  4. ExO

    Mutanus the Devourer (v13.1)

    It is only spawned after escorting the Disciple of Naralex
  5. ExO

    Feronas Sindweller (v13.1)

    It's fixed on V14
  6. ExO

    Request for fixes in v14

    - Mining trainer added, thanks. - Jewelcrafting trainer added - Jewelcrafting supplies added Mailboxes need to be researched further. According to sniffs, it's not the right gameobject id. add Daryn Lightwind .npc add 7907 @location 54.90 Erelas Ambersky .npc add 7916 @location 54.90 Nessa...
  7. ExO

    Hour of Twilight (v13.1)

    Fixed on V14. Thanks to @Mazi
  8. ExO

    Talent: Blood Parasite (v13.1)

    Should be fixed in v14
  9. ExO

    no mailbox in Astranaar (VIP 13 Cata 4.3.4)

    Fixed, thanks :)
  10. ExO

    Boss Bug - Deadmines - Helix Gearbreaker

    Please try to see if you still fall underground on V14. (might) be improved.
  11. ExO

    Fortunate Misunderstandings (v13.1)

    Fixed on V14
  12. ExO

    The Day that Deathwing Came (v13.1) [urgent bug]

    It's hack-fixed in V14 already, to prevent this from happening. (Meaning the quest will just auto-complete, to prevent this issue).
  13. ExO

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    Since they work for me, they probably got fixed in between v13.1, and v14, then :-)
  14. ExO

    V13 & V13.1 Deathwing Spine "Tendons" Fight SQL FIX for 10 & 25 Mode NHC

    I used these, and it seems like they were working just fine? :)
  15. ExO

    Kiljaeden (v13.1)

    Try now on V14 please. Might be fixed.
  16. ExO

    Magisters Terrace (v13.1)

    Fixed on V14
  17. ExO

    Karazhan (v13.1)

    Should be fixed on V14.
  18. ExO

    Precious Goods (v13.1)

    Fixed on v14
  19. ExO

    Unattackable NPCs V13

    The first boss (The Prophet Skeram) is now attackable. Also fixed spawn of C'Thuun, that will now appear after killing the Eye. Fixed on V14.