the bug "Knight Commander Plaguefist"
of the main missions of the dk. It gives you 3 times the same mission of "a special surprise"
Which, the reward is +1 talent point per dk. if you complete 1, you can still complete the other 2 remaining. This generates +2 talent points more than the 39 points you get to level 85.
10/10 in importance! along with others that I add (from now on 10/10 means that the importance is maximum).

Knight Commander Plaguefist
Knight Commander Plaguefist is a level 15 - 17 NPC that can be found in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave. This NPC can be found in Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave.

A Special Surprise
Knight Commander Plaguefist at the Chapel of the Crimson Flame has ordered you to execute Ellen Stanbridge, an Argent Dawn prisoner inside the nearby prison house.

10/10 in importance! along with others that I add (from now on 10/10 means that the importance is maximum).
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