Search results

  1. ExO

    Raid Difficulty Settings Do Not Work

    I'll have a look, should be a relatively simple database fix in these cases :)
  2. ExO

    Throne of the Tides

    Depends a little on my situation at work, but probably between 3-5 weeks. :)
  3. ExO

    V14 World Server Crash

    Are you still occuring it @Stiga?
  4. ExO

    Dark Temple (v13.1)

    I can't reproduce. Seems to work ok here regarding the 1 hp. But I agree the activating is a little late. Need sniff to compare timers.
  5. ExO

    Throne of the Tides

    Please try again on V15. Might be fixed.
  6. ExO

    Throne of the Tides (v13.1)

    Please try again on V15. Might be fixed.
  7. ExO

    V14 Throne of the Tides Normal Overtuned Mobs

    Please try again on V15. Might be fixed.
  8. ExO

    V14 Strange Behavior From Lady Naz'jar and Throne of the Tides

    Please try again on V15. Might be fixed.
  9. ExO

    V14 Valor and Justice Quartermasters Inventory Update (T11 now as well)

    Thank you very much for the fixes! :)
  10. ExO

    Minor fixes v14 (Stratholm Crusader Square Dungeon)

    Executed, thanks!
  11. ExO

    Minor fixes v14 (Western Plaguelands WPL)

    Executed parts of it. I'll try to research your todo notes :)
  12. ExO

    Minor Fixes v14 (Tirisfal Glades)

    Executed, thanks.
  13. ExO

    Minor Fixes v14 (Deepholm)

    Thanks as always Stiga! :) Parts of it has been executed. But the stonemother part needs more research.
  14. ExO

    Auth And World Server error 0xc000007b

    Glad to hear! Closing topic.
  15. ExO

    The Nexus - Crystalline Frayers V14

    Thank you for the contribution! Executed in V15
  16. ExO

    [Trinity] Registration & Status page for 4.3.4

    Unfortunately the link is dead. I will try to code a similar site and provide a new link. But it may take a few days to a couple of weeks.
  17. ExO

    Minor fixes v14 (Underbog)

    Executed in V15. Thank you!
  18. ExO

    Minor Fixes v14 (Twilight Highlands)

    Executed in V15. Thank you!