In the Cataclysm Dungeon of Throne of the Tides
the Boss of Ghur'sha
is bugged as it does not enslave
This ability causes a random player to go and control, which is the 2nd Phase, when this happens the other players kill Ghur'sha and continue with the dungeon.
Importance level 8/10

Throne of the Tides
Throne of the Tides is part of the player-accessible section of the Abyssal Maw complex. It is a 5-player underwater dungeon, with distinctive architecture--including a liquid elevator. It is one of the first Cataclysm dungeons players can queue up for in Normal Mode. In Throne, players battle...

Mindbender Ghur'sha
Mindbender Ghur'sha subjugates Erunak Stonespeaker, the second part of this dual-boss encounter in the Throne of the Tides. Erunak attacks players while Mindbender Ghur'sha has control over him. Upon reaching 25% remaining health Mindbender Ghur'sha loses control of Erunak and attacks players...

Leaps onto the head of a random enemy player, charming them. The victim will have increased health, damage and healing as long as they remain charmed. This effect lasts for 30 sec or until the victim reachs 50% health.

Importance level 8/10