Search results

  1. ExO

    v12 Firelands

    Should be fixed on V15. Let me know if any issues.
  2. ExO

    A Gap in Their Armor |Quest |

    Fixed on V15
  3. ExO

    BUG Quest: Wooly Justice

    Should be fixed on V15
  4. ExO

    BUG Quest: Leave no one Behind

    Should be fixed on V15
  5. ExO

    BUG Quest: The Leaders of Jin'Alai

    Should be fixed on V15
  6. ExO

    Mission->Bring them back alive repack V14

    Cant reproduce. You must press the spell ability to get it.
  7. ExO

    Throne of the four winds (v13.1)

    Fixed on V15
  8. ExO

    In With A Bang | Quest | V13.1 |

    Fixed on V15, but hack-fixed the jump spell part to a teleport instead, as I need the spell id that the Baron Cannon is using
  9. ExO

    Quest Broken Serpent Figurine - v14

    But the author says Orgrimmar :D
  10. ExO

    V14 quest bug.

    Improved it on V15, but still missing the fight part.
  11. ExO

    V14 Quest bug.

    It's because the quest requires Cooking skill id (Blizzlike)
  12. ExO

    V14 Quest bug.

    Fixed on V15
  13. ExO

    V14 Quest bug.

    Fixed on V15
  14. ExO

    Halls or Origination | Dungeon | HC / Normal | V14

    Can't reproduce either, the clickers work fine for me.
  15. ExO

    Quest Broken Serpent Figurine - v14

    Need more info. Which npc?
  16. ExO

    V14 Solo/Fun Bugged Quest Nagrand

    Fixed on V15. + also fixed the quest itself (missed scripting)
  17. ExO

    Aura Mastery not Working [v14]

    Thanks for all the good and clear information @Blastoisee and @orangefire. Fixed on V15.
  18. ExO

    Throne of the Tides Heroic Commander Ulthok Breaks the Server

    Hmm, sounds weird. I'm in HC mode but unable to reproduce it. Please check if it's fixed in V15. (Some parts of Throne of the Tides was rewritten). @orangefire
  19. ExO

    Raid Difficulty Settings Do Not Work

    Hmm, on Firelands it seems to work with 25 Man raid:
  20. ExO

    Raid Difficulty Settings Do Not Work

    - Fixed for entire Firelands. - Fixed for a lot of BoT - Fixed several for Baradin Hold - Fixed several for Throne of the Four Winds - Blackwing Descent was already appearing fine, but I fixed a few missing ones. - Dragonsoul was also appearing fine, but I fixed a few too. Note: I updated the...