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Throne of the Tides Heroic Commander Ulthok Breaks the Server


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Throne of the Tides, Alliance Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] Commander Ulthok, Aberration
  • [Problem Description] During the fight with Commander Ulthok in Heroic Throne of the Tides, after getting him to below 50% health, the game ceases to process any attacks, spells, or other interactions, and will not let me reconnect to the server after closing the client until I restart the server. This is the exact same issue caused by the Grim Batol dungeon, which has been stated to be fixed in V15. It is possible this is an extension of that issue and is also fixed, but I don't know what caused that in the first place to have any idea if fixing that would also fix the same issue here. I made two attempts to defeat this boss on my normal playing character and one with my test character using GM commands to quickly bring him below 50%. All of these attempts encountered the same issue. This issue did not occur on normal difficulty, so it seems to be exclusive to heroic.
  • [How it should work] When Commander Ulthok is reduced below 50% health, the server should not break and the fight should be able to continue normally.


Hmm, sounds weird. I'm in HC mode but unable to reproduce it.

Please check if it's fixed in V15. (Some parts of Throne of the Tides was rewritten).