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  1. ExO

    Minor Fixes v14 (Mount Hyjal) *** work in progress 07/07/2021 ***

    Awesome as usual Stiga! Executed in V15 :)
  2. ExO

    Minor Fixes v14 (Icecrown - Crusader's Pinnacle)

    Awesome contribution! :) Executed in V15 (besides from the phasing 130 fix cause it needs a bit more research and fix of rest parts - ill try to check it)
  3. ExO

    V14 Minor item fix

    Great job! Executed for V15.
  4. ExO

    Minor Fix V14 (Scholomance)

    Thank you very much! Executed in V15.
  5. ExO

    Goram Guild Vendor V14

    Thanks, corrected in V15.
  6. ExO

    v14 gold worldserver.exe crashed

    Hello, Could you tell me the action you did before it crashed @catontheway? I need a way to reproduce it :)
  7. ExO

    V14 Solo/Fun Scholomance Boss bug

    Fixed on V15.
  8. ExO

    V14 Solo/Fun Dire Maul Gordok Commons Bugs

    Fixed their levels on V15. Regarding the spawns: According to the sniffs, they are spawned out of the box.
  9. ExO

    V14 Quest 26830

    Fixed on V15
  10. ExO

    V14 Deadmines Cookie Activation Broken

    Fixed on V15
  11. ExO

    V14 Grim Batol Dragons Inactive

    Confirmed, will have a look soon.
  12. ExO

    V14 Solo/Fun Quest 28217

    Fixed on V15 :)
  13. ExO

    V14 npc does not sell items

    That is blizzlike, based on WoWHead:
  14. ExO

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Haha, I can only brag about a degree in computer science 😅 Alright cool, then I will keep it like now
  15. ExO

    Addon Npcbot_Cata

    Hah. If you want, I can move it to VIP. But I originally thought the topic was a nice introduction for regular members too. I mean, it's a very cool addon, and I think it's worth showing off and inspire people :D But if you disagree, I can move it to VIP section ;)
  16. ExO

    Launcher idea

    Would be cool! Definitely :) I'd be happy to link to the resource on the official releases, once it's stablized.
  17. ExO

    V14 Grim Batol Breaking the Game

    Will be fixed on Version 15 :)
  18. ExO

    PM answered :)

    PM answered :)
  19. ExO

    MoP mega link broken

    We are working on a new MoP repack. Stay tuned :)
  20. ExO

    Windows VPS Hosting, WoW Hosting

    Best of luck with the project :)