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  1. ExO

    Please delete this topic

    Nice stuff! Good work :)
  2. ExO

    BUG Quest: Lab Work

    Its blizzlike:
  3. ExO

    BUG Quest: Pa'Troll

    Fixed on V15, thanks
  4. ExO

    BUG Quest: Gluttonous Lurkers

    Already working on V15. Moving to fixed.
  5. ExO

    BUG Quest: Survey Alcaz Island (Dustwallow Marsh)

    Already working on V15. Moving to fixed.
  6. ExO

    BUG Quest: Breaking Waves of Change (Darnassus)

    Already working on V15. Moving to fixed.
  7. ExO

    V14 npc missing

    "This NPC will only spawn when you use the Thelgen Seismograph for the quest Down In Thelgen Rock. I missed this the first time through the cave on my level 80 main and had to wait for someone else to come along in order to kill it and get the Floodsurge Core."...
  8. ExO

    V14 npc bug.

    Fixed on V15
  9. ExO

    V14 Warmaster Blackhorn Encounter (Dragon Soul)

    Can't seem to reproduce. Please try again on V15. I tried with both Horde + Alliance. (Normal mode)
  10. ExO

    V14 - Iterating Upon Success

    Improved the entire event for V15: - Implemented Smooth pathing for it - Implemented text events - Hack-fixed the credit count (by using the other Vile Fins) - Implemented go-back feature (blizzlike) - Fixed the speed
  11. ExO

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Seek and Destroy Quest

    Fixed on V15
  12. ExO

    V14 - Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost

    Fixed on V15
  13. ExO

    V14 - On Whose Orders

    Should be fixed on V15
  14. ExO

    V14 - What tomorrow brings

    Fixed on V15
  15. ExO

    V14 - Relios the Relic Keeper

    Fixed on V15 + made condition that you can only click on the portal, if quest id 27476 is rewarded.
  16. ExO

    V14 - Angry Scrubbing Bubbles

    Fixed the issue where the quest was accepted every-time you killed a mob. (V15) Regarding the quest log, it seems like a client issue. The text is already filled in the DB.
  17. ExO

    The Great Fras Siabi | Quest | V14

    Should be fixed on V15
  18. ExO

    Retribution | Quest | V14

    Fixed on V15
  19. ExO

    V14 Solo/Fun- Quest bug- The Titans' Terminal

    Cant reproduce. It's just that you cant use it everywhere in that area. Moving to invalid.
  20. ExO

    V14 quest bug crash serveur

    Fixed on V15