[Name, Type] The Leaders of Jin'Alai, quest
•[What it does] Gawanil is there, however does not drop the quest item, although this is normally a chest you have to open? Possibly another of the leaders is there, but underground?
•[What it should do] Leaders should appear after so many kills of normal Jin'Alai's and drop chest when killed.
Also, some of the Jin'Alai's seem to have no LOS until you are on top of them
•[What it does] Gawanil is there, however does not drop the quest item, although this is normally a chest you have to open? Possibly another of the leaders is there, but underground?
•[What it should do] Leaders should appear after so many kills of normal Jin'Alai's and drop chest when killed.
Also, some of the Jin'Alai's seem to have no LOS until you are on top of them