Hey pewz, does dungeon Finder work on this repack?^^
What is the entry id for the 1v1 arena npc?
When will be the next update?
and hope for the development of the project and your enthusiasm!
Hey the dungeon finder was very messed up, and is therefor disabled atm. It gotta get rewritten before it can get enabled again.
Could you add dodge cap in the next repack? Please, it wouldn't change the retail experience. If this is not possible, is there aome other way to cap dodge rating without core editing?
Great repack either way, thanks in advance for reply!
It is very simple to remake a vendor and add all of the nessesary items, etc to it. If u need help doing it just ask I will be more than happy to assist you.
It is only a core possibly thing, how much would you btw have the dodge cap on? Also I could always copy the core in a new folder and upload it for you (so it doesn't affect the blizzlike users etc), if you need it badly - whenever I get time for it![]()
I do not have a list offhand for ya, but you could probably find all of the items you seek using the filter search system at http://wowhead.com that is always how I have done things.Sure, you have a list of items i need perhaps for both ally and horde?
Alright, i'll be waiting for it!
EDIT : Guild Vendor is bugged. When you try to open it, nothing pops up!
Use http://www.wowhead.com/npc=46572/goram as reference and grab item entry from item htmls.
Hey nice repack, messing round with it now. Although I cant seem to find any mall/teleporter sql files that work with this repack. Start from scratch with them you think?
Hey pewz, are the firelands down? It seems i can't enter them.
Hey Spin! It can be taken into consideration, also depends if it needs to be written from stratch (I wont be able to) or there's existen ones that just need a little bit more work.Hello Pewz it is possible to add npc bots on the repack ?
Guild Vendor is bugged. When you try to open it, nothing pops up!