I think what I'm experiencing is a client issue (should be client side data), but I've tried 3 different clients so far and haven't found one that works right. when turning in quests, any quest, all i see is a page listing the rewards. the "closure" text is all missing. starting quest text exists, quest log text exists, just not when i turn in. its not for every quest, but pretty much every quest from the dwarf start line up past menethil has been this way so far. human and goblin quest text has not had anything missing to my recollection. doesn't prevent the game from being played of course, i just would like the story sometimes.
additionally, not likely a client side issue, my dwarf hunter's melee attack gets randomly stuck. ranged shot works reliably, and melee works reliably after login, but randomly (i haven't been able to track what triggers it) the melee auto attack will stop working. strangely enough, the auto attack button is still flashing like I'm using it, even when not in combat. i have not experienced this yet with any of my melee characters and I'm wondering if its due to the automatic shift back and forth between melee and ranged that generally only hunters do. anyone else experienced this?
additionally, not likely a client side issue, my dwarf hunter's melee attack gets randomly stuck. ranged shot works reliably, and melee works reliably after login, but randomly (i haven't been able to track what triggers it) the melee auto attack will stop working. strangely enough, the auto attack button is still flashing like I'm using it, even when not in combat. i have not experienced this yet with any of my melee characters and I'm wondering if its due to the automatic shift back and forth between melee and ranged that generally only hunters do. anyone else experienced this?