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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
I think what I'm experiencing is a client issue (should be client side data), but I've tried 3 different clients so far and haven't found one that works right. when turning in quests, any quest, all i see is a page listing the rewards. the "closure" text is all missing. starting quest text exists, quest log text exists, just not when i turn in. its not for every quest, but pretty much every quest from the dwarf start line up past menethil has been this way so far. human and goblin quest text has not had anything missing to my recollection. doesn't prevent the game from being played of course, i just would like the story sometimes.

additionally, not likely a client side issue, my dwarf hunter's melee attack gets randomly stuck. ranged shot works reliably, and melee works reliably after login, but randomly (i haven't been able to track what triggers it) the melee auto attack will stop working. strangely enough, the auto attack button is still flashing like I'm using it, even when not in combat. i have not experienced this yet with any of my melee characters and I'm wondering if its due to the automatic shift back and forth between melee and ranged that generally only hunters do. anyone else experienced this?


Trial Member
Hey guys, I've tried a million different repacks and this one seems to be the most promising. However, every time I attempt to start the authserver it immediately closes back down with the error "TrinityCore Authentication Server Daemon has stopped working." This is my first time setting up a private server so any advice is appreciated.


Trial Member
Awesome repack 1 of the few around that actually works without having to change a lot of stuff :) thank you.


Hi all it can't connect to realm, stopped Connect:S Help

Hi, have you tried checking out this thread - http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?197-Windows-7-64-can-t-go-past-quot-Connect-quot-HOW-TO-FIX ?

Hey guys, I've tried a million different repacks and this one seems to be the most promising. However, every time I attempt to start the authserver it immediately closes back down with the error "TrinityCore Authentication Server Daemon has stopped working." This is my first time setting up a private server so any advice is appreciated.

Hi there, is it a blank page and after it it gives this error, or does it come up with text and then crash?

Awesome repack 1 of the few around that actually works without having to change a lot of stuff :) thank you.

Thanks for the kind words!

@Leo, it does indeed sound strange, I will take a futher look about it whenever I get to it.


Trial Member
I just tried to install the server and all, i get to the realm list but when i click it, nothing happens..
Im pretty sure i did everything right, I did not forward yet, since i am trying it on local host first.
I was wondering if someone could assist me through skype or so?
Anyways, seems like a good release!

Thanks in advance,


Note, Edit: I followed your video tutorial, everything started up fine, as in the video.


Trial Member
hey there!, i need help please!!!!!!!!!!!
well first the repack its so good, really well done guys!
but i need a little help with my server, i did manage to get the repack on a test server, works perfect, but when i go live and y put on the characterdata, peopple log on and the server just freez, dunno why please what do you guys think is happening, in my test server fresh 0 accounts work but when i go live server just freez.
btw i dont get any error just that, and server cant reboot by himself, what can i do?
pleaseeeeeeeeeee hope u understand what im trying to say cuz im bad at english, thanks anyway :(


I just tried to install the server and all, i get to the realm list but when i click it, nothing happens..
Im pretty sure i did everything right, I did not forward yet, since i am trying it on local host first.
I was wondering if someone could assist me through skype or so?
Anyways, seems like a good release!

Thanks in advance,


Note, Edit: I followed your video tutorial, everything started up fine, as in the video.

Hi there. Please check out this small tutorial on how to fix the stucked thingy - http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?197-Windows-7-64-can-t-go-past-quot-Connect-quot-HOW-TO-FIX

Good luck!
- If you need more help, just post again and I'll help you out more.

hey there!, i need help please!!!!!!!!!!!
well first the repack its so good, really well done guys!
but i need a little help with my server, i did manage to get the repack on a test server, works perfect, but when i go live and y put on the characterdata, peopple log on and the server just freez, dunno why please what do you guys think is happening, in my test server fresh 0 accounts work but when i go live server just freez.
btw i dont get any error just that, and server cant reboot by himself, what can i do?
pleaseeeeeeeeeee hope u understand what im trying to say cuz im bad at english, thanks anyway :(

I have a hard time understanding what you mean.

You login, create a character, press enter and it gets stucked on loading page?


Trial Member
Hey Pewz,

Thanks for the fast reply!
I did check those pages, without results :(
I am still stuck at the realm list.. Everything seems to work..
No clue what is messing it up now hehe..
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,



Trial Member
Ok, i copied all the files to my local computer (i first tried with Windows server 2008 virtualbox), and now it seems to work, with localhost..
Soo, now the question, how am i gonna make it work on the virtual machine?

Edit: Im assuming i need to change the ip somewhere.. But where? :p
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Trial Member
I have a hard time understanding what you mean.

You login, create a character, press enter and it gets stucked on loading page?

ok, I hope you can understand me now

ok i have a live server 4.3.4, and im trying to use ur repack.
before that, i did a test server, with this repack (emucoach), and everything works perfect

then, after seeing that everything works perfect, i try to upload the repack to my active server, using the characeter data .
so now when peopple login his accounts, server freeze after almost 1min, or less.
peopple can login, the server freeze after 1min or less of playing

no errors shows up, just the servers freez and i need to restart the server, peopple cant play and i dont know what i did wrong. :(

on my test server, fresh data, no accounts, server never freez, thats why i dont know that i dod wrong,

I hope you can understand me now, please help :( what it may be happening?
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Trial Member
Okay, found your post about making your server public, but somehow when i change it, it doesnt update when i open authserver.
There it still says, even tho i changed it in the db

Edit: Do NOT use HeidiSQL for editing DB, it seems to not save (Read it on a forum)
Got it all working now!

Thank you for your help!

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Trial Member

Can you tell me, The Bastion of Twilight bosses and Blackwing Descent bosses are correctly working in this repack?


Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
I checked BWD so far and they work ALMOST as intended - Nefarian & Onyxia encounter works theoretically, but it's impossible to do it, unless you're a GM - the platform you're supposed to fight them keeps going up and down constantly and Onyxia is IN it :)


I checked BWD so far and they work ALMOST as intended - Nefarian & Onyxia encounter works theoretically, but it's impossible to do it, unless you're a GM - the platform you're supposed to fight them keeps going up and down constantly and Onyxia is IN it :)

Yeah Onyxia platform is quite buggy, at first it was crashing, but luckilly I got a fix for that.


Verified Member
Pack is looking really good and sounds like a tempting release to use. Hopefully will see some new private servers or maybe current private servers popping up and using this package. Great release Pewz, hopefully it gets used.


Trial Member
Hey, can you add custom items to the private server with this database? I know it's configured to work with Trinity, but all the different core batches will not work when I try to create a weapon with wow-v.com. I tried every batch and none of them work. Is there something I need to do differently or does it just not work with this core? Thanks.


Hey, can you add custom items to the private server with this database? I know it's configured to work with Trinity, but all the different core batches will not work when I try to create a weapon with wow-v.com. I tried every batch and none of them work. Is there something I need to do differently or does it just not work with this core? Thanks.

Hey, yeah you can add custom items, but if you don't want it to be a questionmark you gotta use an existen modelid for it, you can just create it manually in item_template

And are you plan, that add that fix to the repack? I yes, when?
I'm honestly not sure, in next week I'll be done with my last exam :)

And I would like to thank everyone for the nice comments and the support, it motivates & keeps things going more than you think!


Trial Member
I extracted the SQL Database files into my own SQL setup and was wondering what build or version this was based on? I have seen all kinds of 4.3.4 SQL fixes and was wondering what would work with this? I know it is based on TrinityCore but I wanted to pull things from other Repacks and try to fix broken things.
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