You had me at the goblin starting area

. I'm tickled to say this is the ONLY easy-to-use 4.3.4 repack that emulates mmaps correctly from the door, as well as having functioning movement in the goblin starter area. That's a big deal, as I've compiled most all of the recent release repacks since April 2014, and NONE emulate mmaps correctly nor have the goblin area working without some major custom work or compile work needed initially. Great job, and thank you

I'm kind of curious now if I missed a step myself on compiling between the repacks I've tested over the last week, or if you really have the only working (from the door initially, I mean) movement for npc's and the starter areas. I've probably been through 3-4 other's including trinity full-compile (pull my hair out please

, Firelands BOT BWD + More! repack, and a few others.
Just curious, is there an obvious step that may have been missed if you log into those repacks/cores and npc's aren't moving? (Other than of course enablinng mmap emulation via worldserver.config)?
I'll jump in tonight and manually hunt down the instances and test them, as well as play around with the different classes and DK and test skills. It's a bit to ask, but Pez if you'd consider adding a % completion table to your initial post, would help avid compilers looking through the different repacks know before downloading exactly how functional it is, as well as start collecting fixes, without having to manually check each one ^^. Not required by any means ofc.
For everyone forum bouncing looking for a good 4.3.4 server (lol how I found it to be honest) from the door, that's "easy-to-use", as of 7/7/2014 I'd suggest this one right here 
Second might be "Firelands BOT BWD + More!", which I won't link but should be easy to find via google. When I tested it, it didn't emulate mmaps initially nor have npc movement correct, but contains some excellent updates/fixes to trinity core's DB as well.
For the server hangup at connecting screen :
First "If libssl32.dll is in your release folder, delete it, and rerun to check if it's fixed.
1) Grab and install the latest Open SSL, then pull the two files :
libeay32.dll ////// ssleay32.dll from it's install directory
2) Cut/Paste those into your
Release folder and rerun. If error persist's, see 3.
3) Cut/Paste the same two files available here on the forums under tutorials by Pez, rerun.
4) Look for an error to pop up upon starting the server, then replace with two from OpenSSL folder. Rerun.