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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Great job. And a huge thank you to all that are behind this project. Looking forward to see more from you guys.


Pewz, plz i need help.

Logging in with the Admin account works. Selecting realm works. But when i'm connecting with the realm, connected is shown but i disconnect immidiatly. What am i doing wrong?

Here a picture, after this i disconnect: View attachment 74
I hope you can help me, or should i wait for the next version?

Greetings and plz continue the awsome work!

Hi there, you are stucked on connection.
For a solution please check out http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?197-Windows-7-64-can-t-go-past-quot-Connect-quot-HOW-TO-FIX

@Thanks for the positive words guys, helps up the motivation. I hope to release it before I go on holiday, but yet I don't want to release it if I don't feel like there's enough of updates.


Veteran Member
happy to see the next release coming up so soon, thanks mate and ur crew! :)
hard to me to wait, but thats ok if u feel like u guys need a litle bit more time to do the things right hehehehe :D
again thanks from all my crew! ;)


Trial Member
Hi Pewz. I'm having a little trouble getting this repack to work.

At first I was getting stuck on "Connected," so I went and followed your link to that how-to page and followed the steps there, even downloaded the mscvr file and put it in the same folder as the other two since it was missing. But now Authserver.exe won't even start, it gives me an error that reads thus:

The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.

Any help here would be amazing. I'd really like to give this repack a go!


I'm currently in the full progess of making the last changes and rewritting the changelog, so it looks better etc.

I do hope to release it tommorow morning before I take on vacation, BUT I cannot promise anything, I'll try to do it as fast and good as possible but I'm also quite busy getting my stuff ready for the vacation.

In case you're wondering why I don't just release it today,
I want to get the final changes ready, adding a few fixes AND make a proper changelog, the other one was messy and didn't have any kind of system. I don't want to release the next version if I don't feel like it's ready.
And I plan uploading it over the night and then hopefully have the links ready by tommorow.

Just a fast status update guys.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Great news Pewz, just don't hurry anything.
We can wait, I'll wait for the next version before continuing my bug hunt.
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Hey guys, thanks for all the kind words and the great support!

Unfortunately I decided not to release the version before a week and a two days. (When I get home from vacation and a day more to make it ready)

The reason of this is because I sadly became half ill, feeling bad and such.
That means I wasn't available to spend the time I planned making the final changes, getting everything up correctly so there's no issues for you guys etc this morning.
Which is obviously why I haven't released it this morning as I planned to do.

I hope you understand that, and yeah I'll still be around the forums on my phone (got internet access), just can't work on the repack as I don't have PC access down there.

Best Regards,


Veteran Member
owwwwwwwww i was expecting the repack today but oh well a few more days its fine mate!
have fun on your holydays,
we will be waiting for that day! :D


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Your health comes first, so just forget about the repack for now and enjoy your vacation for now. You've well deserved it.
Get well soon, best wishes to the entire crew.
Thank you for the status update.


Senior User
I will be doing some fixes while Pewz enjoys his vacation.

Stay tuned,


Verified Member
problema con huargen y goblin y comando gm

primero felicito al creador de este repack es el segundo que veo que tanto huargen como goblin
salen con la cadena de misiones completa pero tengo este problema como en todos los repck que he probado una vez afuera cualquiera de estas dos razas no pueden ver algunos npc por ejemplo si voy al cruce a agarrar mision no veo ningun npc solo con el gm activado los veo, cual es el problema ? antes le dava al player summon con el gm activado y ya podia verlos pero una vez relogean otraves no pueden ver nada y en este repack aparte tengo el problema que si le doy para ver la info del player imediatamente se tira worldserver , pero en la info veo que el huargen y el goblin su phase tiene como 33264646464 bueno artisimos numeros y een las demas razas tienen 1 sera se el problema de esas razas se puede cambiar eso a 1 alguien me explicaria como y si es ese el problema.


Veteran Member
primero felicito al creador de este repack es el segundo que veo que tanto huargen como goblin
salen con la cadena de misiones completa pero tengo este problema como en todos los repck que he probado una vez afuera cualquiera de estas dos razas no pueden ver algunos npc por ejemplo si voy al cruce a agarrar mision no veo ningun npc solo con el gm activado los veo, cual es el problema ? antes le dava al player summon con el gm activado y ya podia verlos pero una vez relogean otraves no pueden ver nada y en este repack aparte tengo el problema que si le doy para ver la info del player imediatamente se tira worldserver , pero en la info veo que el huargen y el goblin su phase tiene como 33264646464 bueno artisimos numeros y een las demas razas tienen 1 sera se el problema de esas razas se puede cambiar eso a 1 alguien me explicaria como y si es ese el problema.

hola gonzy tienes 2 soluciones para el problema con worgen y goblin

1- al inicio de donde nacen las razas poner un portal (ventormenta Worgen , orgrimmar para goblins)
.Si se crean un Worgen por ejemplo, y usan el portal sin cojer ninguna mision, podran salir y ver el mundo sin problemas
2- (No la recomiendo) que salgan del mundo haciendo quest o los jalas tu con GM, al jalarlos al mundo ponerles .unaura y esto les quitara la face, y ya veran el mundo normal.
-no te recomiendo esta, porque aun hay algunos problemas con estas clases en su inicio de quest, te recomiendo la del portal porq al crearte esas razas te vienen con sus racialez aprendidas.

la otra cosa que te recomiendo es q esperes la nueva version del repack q estara para la proxima semana jejeje
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Senior User
Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland
hola gonzy tienes 2 soluciones para el problema con worgen y goblin

1- al inicio de donde nacen las razas poner un portal (ventormenta Worgen , orgrimmar para goblins)
.Si se crean un Worgen por ejemplo, y usan el portal sin cojer ninguna mision, podran salir y ver el mundo sin problemas
2- (No la recomiendo) que salgan del mundo haciendo quest o los jalas tu con GM, al jalarlos al mundo ponerles .unaura y esto les quitara la face, y ya veran el mundo normal.
-no te recomiendo esta, porque aun hay algunos problemas con estas clases en su inicio de quest, te recomiendo la del portal porq al crearte esas razas te vienen con sus racialez aprendidas.

la otra cosa que te recomiendo es q esperes la nueva version del repack q estara para la proxima semana jejeje

Guys, if you could talk in English on this forum, that would be great... If you can't, talk in private messages.