Need laucher 4.3.4
first i wanna say its an awesome repack i use it with my friends and alot of things are working really well!
second i wanna ask witch core u used becaus i like to create character and extra vendors and everything for my server so i can make gmisland alot cooler and a better place to be
i hope you will respond soon.
kind regards
Hey Pewz,
I was curious if i could get access to your core to compile in the AHbot? Would share the progress with you so you can add it in the repack. If not no big deal doesn't hurt to ask.
Hi there, gd2k.
You are always free to ask, does indeed not hurt asking.
Anyhow, I'm sorry but I cannot provide you with the source code, and I hope you understand that.
But, maybe I could set it up for you with AHBot if you were interested.
I would be ok with that. I enjoy how stable the core is and all the work that you have put into it. I have used a few different cores over the years and this is the best one i have seen in a long time.
If you wouldn't mind setting up the AHBot in with the repack or provide just the worldserver.exe and config with the AHBot included that would be awesome.
I'm glad you enjoy it! I'll see if I can set it up anytime soon, I might PM you if I need further information or anything as that.
That's fine i would love to help with what i can and i understand with exams i did a lot of this stuff while going to school myself. Take your time and look forward to your work.
Just a short information post:
I plan on releasing the next version, the new upcoming weekend or so, it will be announced. The progess is not always the fastest as I was busy with exams, not to talk about it's only me working on it.
Once again,
Thanks for supporting the repack and making me continue having the motivation for this project!